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Sound not Working After Windows Update

Yhteenveto: Performing the following steps will help you resolve the issue where your sound stops working or does not work correctly after a Windows update.

Tämä artikkeli on saatettu kääntää automaattisesti. Jos sinulla on palautetta sen laadusta, ilmoita siitä meille käyttämällä tämän sivun alareunassa olevaa lomaketta.

Artikkelin sisältö


You may experience a situation where your sound stops working or does not work correctly after a Windows update. Performing the following steps will help you resolve the issue.


Cause information is not available.


Run the Windows Audio Troubleshooter which is found in this Microsoft Knowledge Base article Fix sound problems.

If the issue persists follow these steps. Instructions for each step are detailed in the Microsoft Fix sound problems article by selecting the topic headers from the drop down menu.

  1. Use Device Manager to update or reinstall the audio driver    (Article section - Check Device Manager)
  2. Make sure the correct audio device is set as the default    (Article section - Set default device)
  3. Turn off Audio Enhancements    (Article section - Turn off audio Enhancements)
  4. Try another audio format    (Article section - Try different audio formats)

For additional information refer to Dell Knowledge Base article How to Troubleshoot No Sound on Computer or Audio Playback Issues.


Artikkelin ominaisuudet

Tuote, johon asia vaikuttaa

Inspiron, Latitude, Vostro, XPS

Edellinen julkaisupäivä

21 marrask. 2023



Artikkelin tyyppi
