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Changing the Storage Controller Mode Causes Windows Blue Screen with INACCESSIBLE BOOT DEVICE Error

Yhteenveto: This article provides information about Windows blue screen issue with "INACCEESSIBLE BOOT DEVICE" error code.

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Artikkelin sisältö


Affected Operating Systems:

  • Windows

Note: If the user reimages or reinstalls the operating system, the computer cannot go through Dell SupportAssist OS recovery.

Changing the computer storage SATA/NVMe Operation settings to the opposite option (from AHCI/NVMe to RAID ON or from RAID ON to AHCI/NVMe) in the BIOS, could cause windows to present an INACCESSIBLE BOOT DEVICE error while booting the computer.

Note: This is not the only reason that a user may experience an INACCESSIBLE BOOT DEVICE error while booting, use this as a troubleshooting step.

The Blue screen error occurs when the storage mode is not the same as the mode used when the operating system is installed. If the computer is operated in a different mode than shipped, installing the operating system with the controller in that mode is required. Example: If the controller is set to the AHCI/NVMe mode (RAID ON is default), then an operating system reinstall is required.

Figure 1: (English Only) INACCESSIBLE BOOT DEVICE error


Changing the storage controller mode in the BIOS requires reinstallation of the operating system to align the storage driver configuration with the controller mode.


Do one of the following to resolve:

  • If Storage mode is changed, option (AHCI/NVMe to RAID ON or RAID ON to AHCI/NVMe) reinstallation of the operating system in that controller mode is required.
  • Change the Storage controller settings back to the original configuration can resolve the blue screen error.


Artikkelin ominaisuudet

Edellinen julkaisupäivä

03 lokak. 2023



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