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Dell Business Client Update Catalog

Resumo: The Dell Business Client Update Catalog automates the patch process of system updates for Dell Business Client systems in Microsoft Configuration Manager.

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Conteúdo do artigo


The Dell Business Client Update Catalog automates the patch process of system updates for Dell Business Client systems in a Microsoft Configuration Manager environment. The catalog file contains detailed information to determine which updates are required for Dell client systems, and how to apply them. It can be used with the software update management functionality of Microsoft ConfigMgr to provide automated BIOS, firmware, driver, and Dell application updates.

The whitepaper on integrating with Configuration Manager and System Center Updates Publisher(SCUP) is available for End-to-End Deployment of Update.
Note: The Dell OpenManage Inventory Agent (DSIA) is not posted to the Dell Support site anymore. You can find the current download link in the catalog or here is the download link for the version.


Dell Business Client Update Catalog is available by default, as a Partner Catalog, with Microsoft Configuration Manager. Users can subscribe to the Dell Catalog and publish updates to the corresponding endpoints.

Enhancements for Configuration Manager 1910 introduce third-party updates that allow the V3 format catalog authors to define categories for corresponding updates. Dell Business Client Update Catalog supports the V3 format and allows two levels of categories.

Dell Business Client Update Catalog, publish Updates, and deploying updates using Configuration Manager for managing Dell Client Systems. It describes how to use the enhanced filters for selective subscriptions and automates the patch process of system updates for Dell Business Client System in a Microsoft Configuration Manager environment.


  • Configuration Manager 1910 and the following with all the latest patches installed
  • Subscription to Dell Business Client Update Catalog


Note: Configuration Manager users must re-subscribe to the Dell Business Client Update Catalog to use the enhanced category filters supported by Dell.

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Propriedades do artigo

Produto afetado

OptiPlex, Fixed Workstations, Mobile Workstations, Dell Command | Update

Data da última publicação

02 mai. 2024



Tipo de artigo
