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Upgrading Dell Security Management Server Virtual Appears to Stop Responding

Sammanfattning: A Dell Security Management Server Virtual upgrade may appear to stop responding during a GRUB update.

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Artikelns innehåll


Upgrading Dell Security Management Server Virtual may fail due to a migration that appears to stop responding.

Affected Products:

Dell Security Management Server Virtual

Dell Security Management Server Virtual requires end-user input to upgrade to a new version (v2) of Grand Unified Bootloader (GRUB). During the upgrade process, Dell Security Management Server Virtual may appear to stop responding on Setting up grub-pc.

Dell Security Management Server Virtual appearing unresponsive
Figure 1: Dell Security Management Server Virtual appearing unresponsive


Not applicable.


To resolve this issue:

Press Enter after the Setting up grub-pc message appears to proceed with the GRUB v2 update and allow the Dell Security Management Server Virtual v10.0 upgrade to continue.

Note: Do not press any keys other than Enter while the grub-pc package is installing the GRUB v2 update.

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19 dec. 2022



