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Dell EMC PowerEdge R6415 Installation and Service Manual

Expanded operating temperature

Table 1. Expanded operating temperature specificationsWhen the system is in continuous operation, the expanded operating temperature ranges from 10°C to 35°C at 5% to 85% RH with 29°C dew point. NOTE: Outside the standard operating temperature (10°C to 40°C), the system can operate continuously in temperatures as low as 5°C and as high as 40°C. For temperatures between 35°C and 40°C, de-rate maximum allowable temperature by 1°C per 175 m above 950 m (1°F per 319 ft). When the system is operating at < 1% of annual operating hours, the expanded operating temperature is –5°C to 45°C at 5% to 90% RH with 29°C dew point.

NOTE: Outside the standard operating temperature (10°C to 40°C), the system can operate down to –5°C or up to 45°C for a maximum of 1% of its annual operating hours. For temperatures between 40°C and 45°C, de-rate maximum allowable temperature by 1°C per 125 m above 950 m (1°F per 228 ft).

Expanded operating temperature Specifications
Continuous operation 5°C to 35°C at 5% to 85% RH with 29°C dew point.
NOTE: Outside the standard operating temperature (10°C to 40°C), the system can operate continuously in temperatures as low as 5°C and as high as 40°C.

For temperatures between 35°C and 40°C, de-rate maximum allowable temperature by 1°C per 175 m above 950 m (1°F per 319 ft).

≤ 1% of annual operating hours –5°C to 45°C at 5% to 90% RH with 29°C dew point.
NOTE: Outside the standard operating temperature (10°C to 40°C), the system can operate down to –5°C or up to 45°C for a maximum of 1% of its annual operating hours.

For temperatures between 40°C and 45°C, de-rate maximum allowable temperature by 1°C per 125 m above 950 m (1°F per 228 ft).

NOTE: When operating in the expanded temperature range, system performance may be impacted.
NOTE: When operating in the expanded temperature range, ambient temperature warnings may be reported on the bezel's LCD panel and in the System Event Log.


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