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Dell Command | Monitor Version 9.1 SNMP Reference Guide


Introduction to the SNMP Reference Guide

This reference guide provides a formatted version of the following MIB that are released with the current version of Dell Command | Monitor . Sections in this guide follow MIB groups and provide explanations and definitions for the terms used to define MIB objects. Content in this reference guide is organized as documented in the following subsections. The table below describes the sections that provide general information about the MIBs documented in this guide.
Table 1. Dell Command | Monitor mib sections in this guide
Section Topics
1 Introduction to SNMP basics and the MIBs that support Dell Command | Monitor services
2 Instrumentation MIB Version Group — Defines version numbers of the Instrumentation MIB.
3 Systems Management Software Group — Defines information about the systems management software and the supported systems management standards.
4 System State Group — Defines status, state, and redundancy for a system and its components.
5 Chassis Information Group — Defines chassis types, events, indicators, and basic input/output of a system.
6 Operating System Group — Defines variables for name, version, service pack, and other information about the operating system of a system.
7 Remote Flash BIOS Group — Defines variables for remotely updating the BIOS of the system.
8 Port Group — Defines variables for major port types such as parallel and serial ports, keyboard, monitor, and Universal Serial Bus (USB).
9 Device Group — Defines variables for pointing devices, keyboard, processor, cache, memory, and personal computer interface devices.
10 Slot Group — Defines variables for voltages, capabilities, states, and settings that are possible for slots.
11 Trap Variables — Describes in-band traps defined in the Dell Command | Monitor MIB.

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