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Dell Command | Monitor Version 9.1 SNMP Reference Guide


System slot state settings unique

Name systemSlotStateSettingsUnique
Object ID


Description This attribute defines the state settings of the system slot.
INTEGER {systemSlotHotPlugIsUnknown(1), systemSlotHotPlugIsHotPluggable(2), systemSlotHotPlugIsPoweredOn(4), systemSlotHotPlugIsAtAttention(8),
                                             systemSlotHotPlugHasPowerFaulted(16), systemSlotHotPlugAdapterIsPresent(32), systemSlotHotPlugAdapterPresentAndPoweredOn(36),
                                             systemSlotHotPlugPowerButtonPressed(64), systemSlotProvides5Volts(128), systemSlotProvides3Point3Volts(256), systemSlotIsShared(512),
                                             systemSlotSupportsCard16(1024), systemSlotSupportsCardBus(2048), systemSlotSupportsZoomVideo(4096), systemSlotSupportsModemRingResume(8192),
                                             systemSlotSupportsPMESignal(16384), supportsPMEand3P3Vand5VandHotPluggable(16770),
Access Read only

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