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Dell Latitude 7370 Owner's Manual

Before working inside your computer

To avoid damaging your computer, perform the following steps before you begin working inside the computer.
  1. Ensure that you follow the Safety instructions.
  2. Ensure that your work surface is flat and clean to prevent the computer cover from being scratched.
  3. Turn off your computer, see Turning off your computer.

    CAUTION: To disconnect a network cable, first unplug the cable from your computer and then unplug the cable from the network device.

  4. Disconnect all the network cables from the computer.
  5. Disconnect your computer and all attached devices from the electrical outlets.
  6. Press and hold the power button while the computer is unplugged to ground the system board.
  7. Remove the cover.

    CAUTION: Before touching anything inside your computer, ground yourself by touching an unpainted metal surface, such as the metal at the back of the computer. While you work, periodically touch an unpainted metal surface to dissipate static electricity, which could harm internal components.

    CAUTION: Make sure that you place the cooler outlet side of your system at least 5 cm away from wall to prevent system overheat.

    CAUTION: Your system cannot be placed crosswise and make sure that there is no equipment on the side cover.

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