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Dell Latitude 7370 Owner's Manual

Cleaning the display

  1. Check for any smudges or areas that has to be cleaned.
  2. Use a microfiber cloth to remove any obvious dust and gently brush off any dirt particles.
  3. Proper cleaning kits should be used to clean and keep your display in a crisp clear pristine condition.

    NOTE: Never spray any cleaning solutions directly on the screen; spray it to the cleaning cloth.

  4. Gently wipe the screen in a circular motion. Do not press hard on the cloth.

    NOTE: Do not press hard or touch the screen with your fingers or you may leave oily prints and smears.

    NOTE: Do not leave any liquid on the screen.

  5. Remove all excess moisture as it may damage your screen.
  6. Let the display dry thoroughly before you turn it on.
  7. For stains that are hard to remove, repeat this procedure till the display is clean.

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