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Dell Repository Manager Data Center Version 1.7 User’s Guide


Using FileStore Save Disk Space In System Drive (C: Drive)

DRM 1.6 onwards, the configurable FileStore feature helps the user to save disk space on the System Hard Disk. The default file location for the FileStore is C:\Users\<User Name>\AppData\Local\RepositoryManager\FileStore. However, the FileStore can be moved to a different location after DRM is installed on the system.
  • NOTE:
    • You are restricted from performing any other operations while moving the FileStore from its original location.
    • Stop any running jobs before initiating the FileStore movement. You can restart the stopped jobs once the FileStore is moved successfully. DRM starts communicating with the required files from the new location to resume the stopped jobs.
    • Moving the FileStore folder from its default location permanently deletes the folder and its contents. However, the data of the default FileStore folder is saved in the new location.
    • DRM cannot recover deleted files and folders.
Moving the FileStore folder from the default location to another location in the same drive, another drive, or another computer on the network is recommended. The Use Default button moves back the FileStore folder to the default location. For more information on FileStore, see Configuring FileStore Setting .

The following flow chart describes the process in detail.

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