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Dell Shared PowerEdge RAID Controller 8 Cards For Dell PowerEdge VRTX Systems User’s Guide

Background Initialization of virtual disks

Both Consistency Check (CC) and Background Initialization (BGI) correct parity errors. However, CC reports data inconsistencies through an event notification, whereas BGI is an automatic process.

BGI does not run on RAID 0 virtual disks. You cannot disable BGI permanently. If you cancel BGI, it automatically restarts within five minutes. Unlike Full or Fast Initialization of virtual disks, BGI does not clear data from the physical disks. CC and BGI typically cause some loss in performance until the operation completes.

  • NOTE: In systems with Fault Tolerant Shared PERC 8 card configuration, in the event of controller failover, a BGI starts automatically on each virtual disk. If a BGI operation was in progress at the time of controller failover, then the BGI resumes on the new active Shared PERC 8 controller from the last recorded checkpoint.

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