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Dell PowerEdge T320 Systems Owner's Manual


Removing A 2.5 Inch Hard Drive From A 3.5 Inch Hard-Drive Adapter

  • NOTE: A 2.5 inch hard drive is installed into a 3.5 inch hard-drive adapter, which is then installed in the 3.5 inch hard-drive carrier
  1. Remove the two screws from the side of the 3.5 inch hard-drive adapter.
  2. Remove the hard-drive away from the hard-drive adapter.
    Figure 1. Removing and Installing a 2.5 Inch Hard Drive Into a 3.5 Inch Hard-Drive Adapter The figure shows removing and installing a 2.5 inch hard drive into a 3.5 inch hard-drive adapter.
    1. screws (2)
    2. 3.5 inch hard-drive adapter
    3. 2.5 inch hard drive

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