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Dell PowerEdge T320 Systems Owner's Manual


Troubleshooting A USB Device

Use the following steps to troubleshoot a USB keyboard/mouse. For other USB devices, go to step 7.
  1. Disconnect the keyboard and mouse cables from the system briefly and reconnect them.
  2. Connect the keyboard/mouse to the USB port(s) on the opposite side of the system.
  3. If the problem is resolved, restart the system, enter the System Setup, and check if the non-functioning USB ports are enabled.
  4. Replace the keyboard/mouse with another working keyboard/mouse.
  5. If the problem is resolved, replace the faulty keyboard/mouse.
  6. If the problem is not resolved, proceed to the next step to begin troubleshooting the other USB devices attached to the system.
  7. Power down all attached USB devices and disconnect them from the system.
  8. Restart the system and, if your keyboard is functioning, enter the System Setup. Verify that all USB ports are enabled on the Integrated Devices screen, in the System Setup options.

    If your keyboard is not functioning, you can also use remote access. If the system is not accessible, reset the NVRAM_CLR jumper inside your system and restore the BIOS to the default settings.

  9. Reconnect and power on each USB device one at a time.
  10. If a device causes the same problem, power down the device, replace the USB cable with a known good cable, and power up the device.

If all troubleshooting fails, see Getting Help.

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