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Dell PowerEdge R750 Installation and Service Manual

Expansion card installation guidelines

Figure 1. Expansion card slot connectors
This image shows riser locaton
  1. Riser 4 (slot 7 and slot 8)
  2. Riser 3 (slot 4 and slot 5)
  3. Riser 2 (slot 3 and slot 6)
  4. Riser 1 (slot 1 and slot 2)
The following table describes the expansion card riser configurations:
Table 1. Riser configurationsThis table shows riser configurations.
Configurations Expansion card risers PCIe Slots Controlling processor height Length Slot width
Config0. with 4x FH R1B 1 and 2 Processor 1 Full height Half length x8 + x8
R4B 7 and 8 Processor 2 Full height Half length x8 + x8
Config1. with 6x FH and 2x LP R1B 1 and 2 Processor 1 Full height Half length x8 + x8
R2A 3 and 6 Processor 1 and 2 Low profile Half length x16 + x16
R3B 4 and 5 Processor 2 Full height Half length x8 + x8
R4B 7 and 8 Processor 2 Full height Half length x8 + x8
Config2-1. with 4x FH and 2x LP R1A 2 Processor 1 Full height, double width Full length x16
R2A 3 and 6 Processor 1 and 2 Low profile Half length x16 + x16
R3B 4 and 5 Processor 2 Full height Half length x8 + x8
R4A 7 Processor 2 Full height, double width Full length x16
Config2-2. with 4x FH and 2x LP R1A 2 Processor 1 Full height Half length x16
R2A 3 and 6 Processor 1 and 2 Low profile Half length x16 + x16
R3B 4 and 5 Processor 2 Full height Half length x8 + x8
R4A 7 Processor 2 Full height Half length x16
Config3-1. with 4x FH, 1x SNAPI LP and 1x LP R1A 2 Processor 1 Full height, double width Full length x16
R2B (SNAPI) 3 and 6 Processor 1 and 2 Low profile Half length (x8 + x8) + x8
R3B 4 and 5 Processor 2 Full height Half length x8 + x8
R4A 7 Processor 2 Full height, double width Full length x16
Config3-2. with 4x FH, 1x SNAPI LP and 1x LP R1A 2 Processor 1 Full height Half length x16
R2B (SNAPI) 3 and 6 Processor 1 and 2 Low profile Half length (x8 + x8) + x8
R3B 4 and 5 Processor 2 Full height Half length x8 + x8
R4A 7 Processor 2 Full height Half length x16
Config4-1. with 4x FH and 2x LP R1B 1 and 2 Processor 1 Full height Full length x16 + x16
R2A 3 and 6 Processor 1 and 2 Low profile Half length x16 + x16
R3A 5 Processor 2 Full height Half length x16
R4A 7 Processor 2 Full height, double width Full length x16
Config4-2. with 4x FH and 2x LP R1C 1 and 2 Processor 1 Full height Half length x16 + x16
R2A 3 and 6 Processor 1 and 2 Low profile Half length x16 + x16
R3A 5 Processor 2 Full height Half length x16
R4A 7 Processor 2 Full height Half length x16
Config5. with 2x FH and 2x LP R2A 3 and 6 Processor 1 and 2 Low profile Half length x16 + x16
R4B 7 and 8 Processor 2 Full height Half length x8 + x8
Config6. with 4x FH and 2x LP R1B 1 and 2 Processor 1 Full height Half length x8 + x8
R2A 3 and 6 Processor 1 and 2 Low profile Half length x16 + x16
R4B 7 and 8 Processor 2 Full height Half length x8 + x8
Config7. with 2x FH, 2x LP and R1 R3 paddle cards R2A 3 and 6 Processor 1 and 2 Low profile Half length x16 + x16
R4B 7 and 8 Processor 2 Full height Half length x8 + x8
R1 paddle card N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
R3 paddle card N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Config8. with 2x FH and 1x LP R1B 1 and 2 Processor 1 Full height Half length x8 + x8
R2A 3 Processor 1 Low profile Half length x16
Config9. with 1x LP R2A 3 Processor 1 Low profile Half length x16
NOTE:In config7 with R1 and R3 paddle cards does not have any physical slot on it. See R1 and R3 paddle card installation.
Figure 2. Riser 1A
This image shows the Riser 1a.
  1. Slot 2
Figure 3. Riser 1B
This image shows the Riser 1b
  1. Slot 2
  2. Slot 1
Figure 4. Riser 1C
This image shows the Riser 1c.
  1. Slot 2
  2. Slot 1
Figure 5. Riser 1A - FL
This image shows the Riser 1a Full length
  1. Slot 2
Figure 6. Riser 1C - FL
This image shows the Riser 1c full length.
  1. Slot 2
  2. Slot 1
Figure 7. Riser 2A
This image shows the Rise 2a.
  1. Slot 3
  2. Slot 6
Figure 8. Riser 2B (SNAPI)
This image shows the Rise r2b (SNAPI)
  1. Slot 3
  2. Slot 6
Figure 9. Riser 3A
This image shows the Rise r3a.
  1. Slot 5
Figure 10. Riser 3B
This image shows the Riser 3b.
  1. Slot 5
  2. Slot 4
Figure 11. Riser 4A
This image shows the Riser 4a.
  1. Slot 7
Figure 12. Riser 4B
This image shows the Riser 4b
  1. Slot 7
  2. Slot 8
Figure 13. Riser 4A - FL
This image shows the Riser 4a full length
  1. Slot 7
NOTE:The expansion-card slots are not hot-swappable.

The following table provides guidelines for installing expansion cards to ensure proper cooling and mechanical fit. The expansion cards with the highest priority should be installed first using the slot priority indicated. All the other expansion cards should be installed in the card priority and slot priority order.

Table 2. Expansion card riser configurationsThis table shows the expansion card riser configurations.
Configurations Expansion card risers PCIe Slots Controlling processor height Length Slot width
Config0. with 4x FH R1B 1 and 2 Processor 1 Full height Half length x8 + x8
R4B 7 and 8 Processor 2 Full height Half length x8 + x8
Config1. with 6x FH and 2x LP R1B 1 and 2 Processor 1 Full height Half length x8 + x8
R2A 3 and 6 Processor 1 and 2 Low profile Half length x16 + x16
R3B 4 and 5 Processor 2 Full height Half length x8 + x8
R4B 7 and 8 Processor 2 Full height Half length x8 + x8
Config2-1. with 4x FH and 2x LP R1A 2 Processor 1 Full height, double width Full length x16
R2A 3 and 6 Processor 1 and 2 Low profile Half length x16 + x16
R3B 4 and 5 Processor 2 Full height Half length x8 + x8
R4A 7 Processor 2 Full height, double width Full length x16
Config2-2. with 4x FH and 2x LP R1A 2 Processor 1 Full height Half length x16
R2A 3 and 6 Processor 1 and 2 Low profile Half length x16 + x16
R3B 4 and 5 Processor 2 Full height Half length x8 + x8
R4A 7 Processor 2 Full height Half length x16
Config3-1. with 4x FH, 1x SNAPI LP and 1x LP R1A 2 Processor 1 Full height, double width Full length x16
R2B (SNAPI) 3 and 6 Processor 1 and 2 Low profile Half length (x8 + x8) + x8
R3B 4 and 5 Processor 2 Full height Half length x8 + x8
R4A 7 Processor 2 Full height, double width Full length x16
Config3-2. with 4x FH, 1x SNAPI LP and 1x LP R1A 2 Processor 1 Full height Half length x16
R2B (SNAPI) 3 and 6 Processor 1 and 2 Low profile Half length (x8 + x8) + x8
R3B 4 and 5 Processor 2 Full height Half length x8 + x8
R4A 7 Processor 2 Full height Half length x16
Config4-1. with 4x FH and 2x LP R1B 1 and 2 Processor 1 Full height Full length x16 + x16
R2A 3 and 6 Processor 1 and 2 Low profile Half length x16 + x16
R3A 5 Processor 2 Full height Half length x16
R4A 7 Processor 2 Full height, double width Full length x16
Config4-2. with 4x FH and 2x LP R1C 1 and 2 Processor 1 Full height Half length x16 + x16
R2A 3 and 6 Processor 1 and 2 Low profile Half length x16 + x16
R3A 5 Processor 2 Full height Half length x16
R4A 7 Processor 2 Full height Half length x16
Config5. with 2x FH and 2x LP R2A 3 and 6 Processor 1 and 2 Low profile Half length x16 + x16
R4B 7 and 8 Processor 2 Full height Half length x8 + x8
Config6. with 4x FH and 2x LP R1B 1 and 2 Processor 1 Full height Half length x8 + x8
R2A 3 and 6 Processor 1 and 2 Low profile Half length x16 + x16
R4B 7 and 8 Processor 2 Full height Half length x8 + x8
Config7. with 2x FH, 2x LP and R1 R3 paddle cards R2A 3 and 6 Processor 1 and 2 Low profile Half length x16 + x16
R4B 7 and 8 Processor 2 Full height Half length x8 + x8
R1 paddle card N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
R3 paddle card N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Config8. with 2x FH and 1x LP R1B 1 and 2 Processor 1 Full height Half length x8 + x8
R2A 3 Processor 1 Low profile Half length x16
Config9. with 1x LP R2A 3 Processor 1 Low profile Half length x16
Table 3. Configuration 0: R1B + R4BConfiguration 0: R1B + R4B
Card type Slot priority Maximum number of cards
Inventec (LOM) Integrated slot 1
Inventec (FPERC 10.15) Integrated slot 1
Foxconn (FPERC 11) Integrated slot 2
Foxconn (FPERC HBA11) Integrated slot 2
Foxconn (APERC 10.15) 2, 1 1
Foxconn (APERC 11) 2, 1 1
Inventec (APERC 10.15) 2, 1 1
Foxconn (APERC HBA11) 2, 1 1
Emulex (HBA: FC64) 7, 2, 1 3
Mellanox (NIC: 25 Gb) 7, 2, 1 3
SolarFlare (NIC: 25 Gb) 7, 2, 1 3
Broadcom (NIC: 25 Gb) 7, 2, 1 3
Intel (NIC: 25 Gb) 7, 2, 1 3
Qlogic - Marvell (NIC: 25 Gb) 7, 2, 1 3
NVIDIA - Mellanox (Partner DPU: 25 Gb) 8, 7, 2, 1 4
Broadcom (HBA: FC32) 7, 2, 1 3
Emulex (HBA: FC32) 7, 2, 1 3
Qlogic (HBA: FC32) 7, 2, 1 3
Emulex (HBA: FC16) 7, 2, 1 3
Qlogic (HBA: FC16) 7, 2, 1 3
Broadcom (HBA: FC16) 7, 2, 1 3
Intel (NIC: 10 Gb) 7, 2, 1 3
Qlogic Marvell (NIC: 10 Gb) 7, 2, 1 3
Broadcom (NIC: 10 Gb) 7, 2, 1 3
Broadcom (NIC: 1 Gb) 7, 2, 1 3
Intel (NIC:1Gb) 7, 2, 1 3
Mellanox (OCP:25Gb) Integrated slot 1
SolarFlare (OCP:25Gb) Integrated slot 1
Broadcom (OCP:25Gb) Integrated slot 1
Qlogic (OCP:25Gb) Integrated slot 1
Intel (OCP:25Gb) Integrated slot 1
Broadcom (OCP:10Gb) Integrated slot 1
Intel (OCP:10Gb) Integrated slot 1
Qlogic (OCP:10Gb) Integrated slot 1
Broadcom (OCP:1Gb) Integrated slot 1
Intel (OCP:1Gb) Integrated slot 1
Foxconn (External Adapter) 7, 2, 1 3
Inventec (BOSS S1 Full height) 8, 7, 2, 1 1
Inventec (BOSS S2 Adapter) Integrated slot 1
Inventec (BOSS 1.5) Integrated slot 1
Samsung (PCIe SSD) 8, 7, 2, 1 4
NOTE:The Management Interface Card (MIC), MIC_UART cable and MIC_CON1 cable are required when installing the Dell DPUs. However, partner DPU such as KK7JD does not require the MIC and cables.
NOTE:Mellanox Bluefield2 25 Gbe DPU card supports only Nvidia Channel FW and Channel Driver, and does not support Dell FW or Driver SWB DUP updates.
Table 4. Configuration 1: R1B + R2A + R3B + R4BConfiguration 1: R1B + R2A + R3B + R4B
Card type Slot priority Maximum number of cards
Inventec (VGA) 4, 8 1
Inventec (Serial) 4, 8 1
Inventec (LOM) Integrated slot 1
NVIDIA (GPU A2) 5, 1, 7, 2 4
NVIDIA (GPU A2 LP) 3, 6 2
NVIDIA (GPU L4 LP) 6, 3 2
Intel (GPU ATS-M75) 5, 1, 7, 2 4
Intel (GPU ATS-M75 LP) 3, 6 2
Inventec (FPERC 10.15) Integrated slot 2
Foxconn (FPERC11) Integrated slot 2
Foxconn (FPERCHBA11) Integrated slot 2
Foxconn (APERC 10.15) 2, 1 1
Foxconn (APERC11) 2, 1 1
Inventec (APERC 10.15) 2, 1 1
Foxconn (APERC HBA11) 2, 1 1
Mellanox (NIC: 200 Gb) 6, 3 2
Mellanox (NIX: 100 Gb) 6, 3 2
Broadcom (NIC: 100 Gb) 6, 3 2
Intel (NIC: 100 Gb) 6, 3 2
Emulex (HBA: FC64 LP) 3, 6 2
Emulex (HBA: FC64) 5, 2, 7, 1, 4 5
Mellanox (NIC: 25 Gb) 5, 4, 7, 2, 1 5
SolarFlare (NIC: 25 Gb) 5, 4, 7, 2, 1 5
Broadcom (NIC: 25 Gb) 5, 4, 7, 2, 1 5
Intel (NIC: 25 Gb) 5, 4, 7, 2, 1 5
Qlogic - Marvell (NIC: 25 Gb) 5, 4, 7, 2, 1 5
NVIDIA - Mellanox (Partner DPU: 25 Gb) 5, 4, 8, 7, 2, 1 6
Mellanox (NIC: 25 Gb) 6, 3 2
SolarFlare (NIC: 25 Gb) 6, 3 2
Broadcom (NIC: 25 Gb) 6, 3 2
Intel (NIC: 25 Gb) 6, 3 2
Qlogic - Marvell (NIC: 25 Gb) 6, 3 2
Emulex (HBA: FC32) 5, 4, 7, 2, 1 5
Broadcom (HBA: FC32) 5, 4, 7, 2, 1 5
Qlogic (HBA: FC32) 5, 4, 7, 2, 1 5
Emulex (HBA: FC32) 6, 3 2
Broadcom (HBA: FC32) 6, 3 2
Qlogic (HBA: FC32) 6, 3 2
Emulex (HBA: FC16) 5, 4, 7, 2, 1, 6, 3 7
Qlogic (HBA: FC16) 5, 4, 7, 2, 1 5
Broadcom (HBA: FC16) 5, 4, 7, 2, 1 5
Emulex (HBA: FC16) 6, 3 2
Broadcom (HBA: FC16) 6, 3 2
Qlogic (HBA: FC16) 6, 3 2
Broadcom (NIC: 10 Gb) 5, 4, 7, 2, 1, 6, 3 7
Intel (NIC: 10 Gb) 5, 4, 7, 2, 1 5
Qlogic - Marvell (NIC: 10 Gb) 5, 4, 7, 2, 1 5
Qlogic - Marvell (NIC: 10 Gb) 6, 3 2
Intel (NIC: 10 Gb) 6, 3 2
Qlogic - Marvell (NIC: 10 Gb) 6, 3 2
Broadcom (NIC:10Gb) 6, 3 2
Broadcom (NIC: 1 Gb) 5, 4, 7, 2, 1 5
Intel (NIC: 1 Gb) 5, 4, 7, 2, 1 5
Broadcom (NIC: 1 Gb) 6, 3 2
Intel (NIC: 1 Gb) 6, 3 2
Mellanox (NIC: HDR100 VPI) 6, 3 2
Mellanox (NIC: HDR VPI) 6, 3 2
Intel (NIC: ACC100) 6, 3 2
Mellanox (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
SolarFlare (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Broadcom (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
QLogic (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Intel (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Broadcom (OCP: 10 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Intel (OCP: 10 Gb) Integrated slot 1
QLogic (OCP: 10 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Broadcom (OCP: 1 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Intel (OCP: 1 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Foxconn (External Adapter) 5, 4, 7, 2, 1 5
Foxconn (External Adapter) 6, 3 2
Foxconn (External Adapter) 5, 4, 7, 2, 1, 6, 3 7
Inventec (BOSS1.5) Integrated slot 1
Inventec (BOSS S1 Full height) 5, 4, 8, 7, 2, 1 1
Inventec (BOSS S1 Low profile) 6, 3 1
Inventec (BOSS S2 Adapter) Integrated slot 1
Samsung (PCIe SSD) 5, 4, 8, 7, 2, 1 6
NOTE:The Management Interface Card (MIC), MIC_UART cable and MIC_CON1 cable are required when installing the Dell DPUs. However, partner DPU such as KK7JD does not require the MIC and cables.
NOTE:Mellanox Bluefield2 25 Gbe DPU card supports only Nvidia Channel FW and Channel Driver, and does not support Dell FW or Driver SWB DUP updates.
Table 5. Configuration 2-1: R1A + R2A + R3B + R4A (FL)Configuration 2-1: R1A + R2A + R3B + R4A (FL)
Card type Slot priority Maximum number of cards
Inventec (VGA) 4 1
Inventec (Serial) 4 1
Pensando (Dell DPU: 100 Gb) 2 1
NVIDIA - Mellanox ( Dell DPU: 100 Gb) 2 1
Pensando (Dell DPU: 25 Gb) 2 1
NVIDIA - Mellanox (Dell DPU: 25 Gb) 2 1
Inventec (MIC paired with Dell DPU) Integrated slot 1
Inventec (LOM) Integrated slot 1
Inventec (FPERC 10.15) Integrated slot 2
Foxconn (FPERC 10.15) Integrated slot 2
Foxconn (FPERC 11) Integrated slot 2
Foxconn (FPERC HBA 11) Integrated slot 2
Foxconn (APERC 10.15) 3 1
Foxconn (APERC 11) 3 1
Inventec (APERC 10.15) 3 1
Foxconn (APERC HBA 11) 3 1
NVIDIA (GPU RTX-A40) 7, 2 2
NVIDIA (GPU A30) 7, 2 2
NVIDIA (GPU M10) 7, 2 2
NVIDIA (GPU A16) 7, 2 2
NVIDIA (GPU A100) 7, 2 2
NVIDIA (GPU A800, 80 Gb, 300 W) 7, 2 2
NVIDIA (GPU H100, 80 Gb, 350 W) 7, 2 2
NVIDIA (GPU A10) 7, 2 2
NVIDIA (GPU L40) 7, 2 2
Mellanox (NIC: 200 Gb) 6, 3 2
Mellanox (NIC: 200 Gb) 7, 2 2
Mellanox (NIC: 100 Gb) 7, 2 2
Broadcom (NIC: 100 Gb) 7, 2 2
Intel (NIC: 100 Gb) 7, 2 2
Mellanox (NIC: 100 Gb) 6, 3 2
Broadcom (NIC: 100 Gb) 6, 3 2
Intel (NIC: 100 Gb) 6, 3 2
Emulex (HBA: FC64 LP) 6, 3 2
Emulex (HBA: FC64) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Mellanox (NIC: 25 Gb) 7, 2 2
Broadcom (NIC: 25 Gb) 7, 2 2
Intel (NIC: 25 Gb) 7, 2 2
SolarFlare (NIC: 25 Gb) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Broadcom (NIC: 25 Gb) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Intel (NIC: 25 Gb) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Qlogic - Marvell (NIC: 25 Gb) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Mellanox (NIC: 25 Gb) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Nvidia - Mellanox (Partner DPU: 25 Gb) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Mellanox (NIC: 25 Gb) 6, 3 2
SolarFlare (NIC: 25 Gb) 6, 3 2
Broadcom (NIC: 25 Gb) 6, 3 2
Intel (NIC: 25 Gb) 6, 3 2
Qlogic - Marvell (NIC: 25 Gb) 6, 3 2
Emulex (HBA: FC32) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Broadcom (HBA: FC32) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Qlogic (HBA: FC32) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Emulex (HBA: FC32) 6, 3 2
Broadcom (HBA: FC32) 6, 3 2
Qlogic (HBA: FC32) 6, 3 2
Emulex (HBA: FC16) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Broadcom (HBA: FC16) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Qlogic (HBA: FC16) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Emulex (HBA: FC16) 6, 3 2
Broadcom (HBA: FC16) 6, 3 2
Qlogic (HBA: FC16) 6, 3 2
Broadcom (NIC: 10 Gb) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Intel (NIC: 10 Gb) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Qlogic - Marvell (NIC: 10 Gb) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Broadcom (NIC: 10 Gb) 6, 3 2
Intel (NIC: 10 Gb) 6, 3 2
Qlogic - Marvell (NIC: 10 Gb) 6, 3 2
Broadcom (NIC: 1 Gb) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Intel (NIC: 1 Gb) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Broadcom (NIC: 1 Gb) 6, 3 2
Intel (NIC: 1 Gb) 6, 3 2
Mellanox (NIC: HDR100 VPI) 7, 2 2
Mellanox (NIC: HDR100 VPI) 6, 3 2
Mellanox (NIC: HDR VPI) 7, 2 2
Mellanox (NIC: HDR VPI) 6, 3 2
Intel (NIC: ACC100, FH) 7, 2 2
Intel (NIC: ACC100, LP) 6, 3 2
Mellanox (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
SolarFlare (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Broadcom (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
QLogic (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Intel (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Broadcom (OCP: 10 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Intel (OCP: 10 Gb) Integrated slot 1
QLogic (OCP: 10 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Broadcom (OCP: 1 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Intel (OCP: 1 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Foxconn (External Adapter) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Foxconn (External Adapter) 6, 3 2
Foxconn (External Adapter) 5, 4, 7, 2, 6, 3 6
Inventec (BOSS S1 Full height) 5, 4, 7, 2 1
Inventec (BOSS S1 Low profile) 6, 3 1
Inventec (BOSS S2 Adapter) Integrated slot 1
Samsung (PCIe SSD) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
NOTE:The Management Interface Card (MIC), MIC_UART cable and MIC_CON1 cable are required when installing the Dell DPUs. However, partner DPU such as KK7JD does not require the MIC and cables.
NOTE:Mellanox Bluefield2 25 Gbe DPU card supports only Nvidia Channel FW and Channel Driver, and does not support Dell FW or Driver SWB DUP updates.
Table 6. Configuration 2-2: R1A + R2A + R3B + R4A (HL)Configuration 2-2: R1A + R2A + R3B + R4A (HL)
Card type Slot priority Maximum number of cards
Inventec (VGA) 4 1
Inventec (Serial) 4 1
Pensando (Dell DPU: 100 Gb) 2 1
NVIDIA - Mellanox (Dell DPU: 100 Gb) 2 1
Pensando (Dell DPU: 25 Gb) 2 1
NVIDIA - Mellanox (Dell DPU: 25 Gb) 2 1
Inventec (MIC paired with Dell DPU) Integrated slot 1
Inventec (LOM) Integrated slot 1
Foxconn (FPERC 10.15) Integrated slot 2
Foxconn (FPERC 11) Integrated slot 2
Foxconn (FPERC HBA 11) Integrated slot 2
Foxconn (APERC 10.15) 3 1
Foxconn (APERC 11) 3 1
Inventec (APERC 10.15) 3 1
Foxconn (APERC HBA 11) 3 1
NVIDIA (GPU A2, 16 Gb, 60 W) 7, 2 2
NVIDIA (GPU A2, 16 Gb, LP, V2) 3, 6 2
NVIDIA (GPU A2, 16 Gb, V2) 7, 2 2
NVIDIA (GPU T4 FH) 7, 2 2
NVIDIA (GPU L4) 7, 2 2
NVIDIA (GPU L4 LP) 6, 3 2
Intel (GPU ATS-M75) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Intel (GPU ATS-M75 LP) 3, 6 2
NVIDIA (GPU T4 LP) 3, 6 2
Mellanox (NIC: 200 Gb LP) 6, 3 2
Mellanox (NIC: 200 Gb) 7, 2 2
Mellanox (NIC: 100 Gb) 7, 2 2
Broadcom (NIC: 100 Gb) 7, 2 2
Intel (NIC: 100 Gb) 7, 2 2
Mellanox (NIC: 100 Gb) 6, 3 2
Broadcom (NIC: 100 Gb) 6, 3 2
Intel (NIC: 100 Gb) 6, 3 2
Emulex (HBA: FC64 LP) 6, 3 2
Emulex (HBA: FC64) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Mellanox (NIC: 25 Gb) 7, 2 2
Broadcom (NIC: 25 Gb) 7, 2 2
Intel (NIC: 25 Gb) 7, 2 2
SolarFlare (NIC: 25 Gb) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Broadcom (NIC: 25 Gb) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Intel (NIC: 25 Gb) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Qlogic - Marvell (NIC: 25 Gb) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
NVIDIA - Mellanox (Partner DPU: 25 Gb) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Mellanox (NIC: 25 Gb) 6, 3 2
SolarFlare (NIC: 25 Gb) 6, 3 2
Broadcom (NIC: 25 Gb) 6, 3 2
Intel (NIC: 25 Gb) 6, 3 2
Qlogic - Marvell (NIC: 25 Gb) 6, 3 2
Emulex (HBA: FC32) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Broadcom (HBA: FC32) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Qlogic (HBA: FC32) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Emulex (HBA: FC32) 6, 3 2
Broadcom (HBA: FC32) 6, 3 2
Qlogic (HBA: FC32) 6, 3 2
Emulex (HBA: FC16) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Broadcom (HBA: FC16) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Qlogic (HBA: FC16) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Emulex (HBA: FC16) 6, 3 2
Broadcom (HBA: FC16) 6, 3 2
Qlogic (HBA: FC16) 6, 3 2
Broadcom (NIC: 10 Gb) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Intel (NIC: 10 Gb) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Qlogic - Marvell (NIC: 10 Gb) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Broadcom (NIC: 10 Gb) 6, 3 2
Intel (NIC: 10 Gb) 6, 3 2
Qlogic - Marvell (NIC: 10 Gb) 6, 3 2
Broadcom (NIC: 1 Gb) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Intel (NIC: 1 Gb) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Broadcom (NIC: 1 Gb) 6, 3 2
Intel (NIC: 1 Gb) 6, 3 2
Mellanox (NIC: HDR100 VPI) 7, 2 2
Mellanox (NIC: HDR100 VPI) 6, 3 2
Mellanox (NIC: HDR VPI) 7, 2 2
Mellanox (NIC: HDR VPI) 6, 3 2
Intel (NIC: ACC100, FH) 7, 2 2
Intel (NIC: ACC100, LP) 6, 3 2
Mellanox (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
SolarFlare (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Broadcom (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
QLogic (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Intel (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Broadcom (OCP: 10 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Intel (OCP: 10 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Qlogic (OCP: 10 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Broadcom (OCP: 1 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Intel (OCP: 1 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Foxconn (External Adapter) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Foxconn (External Adapter) 6, 3 2
Foxconn (External Adapter) 5, 4, 7, 2, 6, 3 6
Inventec (BOSS S1 Full height) 5, 4, 7, 2 1
Inventec (BOSS S1 Low profile) 6, 3 1
Inventec (BOSS S2 Adapter) Integrated slot 1
Samsung (PCIe SSD) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
NOTE:The Management Interface Card (MIC), MIC_UART cable and MIC_CON1 cable are required when installing the Dell DPUs. However, partner DPU such as KK7JD does not require the MIC and cables.
NOTE:Mellanox Bluefield2 25 Gbe DPU card supports only Nvidia Channel FW and Channel Driver, and does not support Dell FW or Driver SWB DUP updates.
Table 7. Configuration 3-1: R1A + R2B + R3B + R4A (FL)Configuration 3-1: R1A + R2B + R3B + R4A (FL)
Card type Slot priority Maximum number of cards
Inventec (VGA) 4 1
Inventec (Serial) 4 1
Inventec (LOM) Integrated Slot 1
NVIDIA (GPU RTX-A40) 7, 2 2
NVIDIA (GPU A30) 7, 2 2
NVIDIA (GPU M10) 7, 2 2
NVIDIA (GPU A16) 7, 2 2
NVIDIA (GPU A100) 7, 2 2
NVIDIA (GPU A800, 80 Gb, 300 W) 7, 2 2
NVIDIA (GPU H100, 80 Gb, 350 W) 7, 2 2
NVIDIA (GPU A10) 7, 2 2
NVIDIA (GPU L40) 7, 2 2
Foxconn (FPERC 10.15) Integrated slot 2
Foxconn (FPERC 11) Integrated slot 2
Foxconn (FPERC HBA 11) Integrated slot 2
Mellanox (NIC: 200 Gb) 3 1
Mellanox (NIC: 200 Gb) 7, 2 2
Mellanox (NIC: 100 Gb) 7, 2 2
Broadcom (NIC: 100 Gb) 7, 2 2
Intel (NIC: 100 Gb) 7, 2 2
Emulex (HBA: FC64) 6 1
Emulex (HBA: FC64) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Mellanox (NIC: 25 Gb) 7, 2 2
Broadcom (NIC: 25 Gb) 7, 2 2
Intel (NIC: 25 Gb) 7, 2 2
SolarFlare (NIC: 25 Gb) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Broadcom (NIC: 25 Gb) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Intel (NIC: 25 Gb) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Qlogic - Marvell (NIC: 25 Gb) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Mellanox (NIC: 25 Gb) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
NVIDIA - Mellanox (Partner DPU: 25 Gb) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Mellanox (NIC: 25 Gb) 6 1
SolarFlare (NIC: 25 Gb) 6 1
Broadcom (NIC: 25 Gb) 6 1
Intel (NIC: 25 Gb) 6 1
Qlogic - Marvell (NIC: 25 Gb) 6 1
Emulex (HBA: FC32) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Broadcom (HBA: FC32) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Qlogic (HBA: FC32) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Emulex (HBA: FC32) 6 1
Broadcom (HBA: FC32) 6 1
Qlogic (HBA: FC32) 6 1
Emulex (HBA: FC16) 5, 4, 7, 2, 6 5
Broadcom (HBA: FC16) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Qlogic (HBA: FC16) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Emulex (HBA: FC16) 6 1
Broadcom (HBA: FC16) 6 1
Qlogic (HBA: FC16) 6 1
Broadcom (NIC: 10 Gb) 5, 4, 7, 2, 6 5
Intel (NIC: 10 Gb) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Qlogic - Marvell (NIC: 10 Gb) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Broadcom (NIC: 10 Gb) 6 1
Intel (NIC: 10 Gb) 6 1
Qlogic - Marvell (NIC: 10 Gb) 6 1
Broadcom (NIC: 1 Gb) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Intel (NIC: 1 Gb) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Broadcom (NIC: 1 Gb) 6 1
Intel (NIC: 1 Gb) 6 1
Mellanox (NIC: HDR100 VPI) 7, 2 2
Mellanox (NIC: HDR100 VPI) 3 1
Mellanox (NIC: HDR VPI) 7, 2 2
Mellanox (NIC: HDR VPI) 3 1
Intel (NIC: ACC100) 7, 2 2
Mellanox (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
SolarFlare (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Broadcom (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
QLogic (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Intel (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Broadcom (OCP: 10 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Intel (OCP: 10 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Qlogic (OCP: 10 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Broadcom (OCP: 1 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Intel (OCP: 1 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Foxconn (External Adapter) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Foxconn (External Adapter) 6 1
Foxconn (External Adapter) 5, 4, 7, 2, 6 5
Inventec (BOSS S1 Full height) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Inventec (BOSS S1 Low profile) 6 1
Inventec (BOSS S2 Adapter) Integrated slot 1
Samsung (PCIe SSD) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
NOTE:The Management Interface Card (MIC), MIC_UART cable and MIC_CON1 cable are required when installing the Dell DPUs. However, partner DPU such as KK7JD does not require the MIC and cables.
NOTE:Mellanox Bluefield2 25 Gbe DPU card supports only Nvidia Channel FW and Channel Driver, and does not support Dell FW or Driver SWB DUP updates.
Table 8. Configuration 3-2: R1A + R2B + R3B + R4A (HL)Configuration 3-2: R1A + R2B + R3B + R4A (HL)
Card type Slot priority Maximum number of cards
Inventec (VGA) 4 1
Inventec (Serial) 4 1
Inventec (LOM) Integrated Slot 1
NVIDIA (GPU A2, 16 Gb, 60 W) 7, 2 2
NVIDIA (GPU A2, 16 Gb, V2) 7, 2 2
NVIDIA (GPU T4 FH) 7, 2 2
Intel (GPU ATS-M, 12 Gb, 75 W 7, 2 2
Inventec (FPERC 10.15) Integrated slot 2
Foxconn (FPERC 10.15) Integrated slot 2
Foxconn (FPERC 11) Integrated slot 2
Foxconn (FPERC HBA 11) Integrated slot 2
Mellanox (NIC: 200 Gb, LP) 3 1
Mellanox (NIC: 200 Gb, FH) 7, 2 2
Mellanox (NIC: 100 Gb) 7, 2 2
Broadcom (NIC: 100 Gb) 7, 2 2
Intel (NIC: 100 Gb) 7, 2 2
Emulex (HBA: FC64) 6 1
Emulex (HBA: FC64) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Mellanox (NIC: 25 Gb) 7, 2 2
Broadcom (NIC: 25 Gb) 7, 2 2
Intel (NIC: 25 Gb) 7, 2 2
SolarFlare (NIC: 25 Gb) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Broadcom (NIC: 25 Gb) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Intel (NIC: 25 Gb) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Qlogic - Marvell (NIC: 25 Gb) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Mellanox (NIC: 25 Gb) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
NVIDIA - Mellanox (Partner DPU: 25 Gb) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Mellanox (NIC: 25 Gb) 6 1
SolarFlare (NIC: 25 Gb) 6 1
Broadcom (NIC: 25 Gb) 6 1
Intel (NIC: 25 Gb) 6 1
Qlogic - Marvell (NIC: 25 Gb) 6 1
Emulex (HBA: FC32) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Broadcom (HBA: FC32) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Qlogic (HBA: FC32) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Emulex (HBA: FC32) 6 1
Broadcom (HBA: FC32) 6, 1
Qlogic (HBA: FC32) 6 1
Emulex (HBA: FC16) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Broadcom (HBA: FC16) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Qlogic (HBA: FC16) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Emulex (HBA: FC16) 6 1
Broadcom (HBA: FC16) 6 1
Qlogic (HBA: FC16) 6 1
Broadcom (NIC: 10 Gb) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Intel (NIC: 10 Gb) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Qlogic - Marvell (NIC: 10 Gb) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Broadcom (NIC:10Gb) 6 1
Qlogic - Marvell (NIC: 10 Gb) 6 1
Intel (NIC: 10 Gb) 6 1
Broadcom (NIC: 1 Gb) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Intel (NIC: 1 Gb) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Broadcom (NIC: 1 Gb) 6 1
Intel (NIC: 1 Gb) 6 1
Mellanox (NIC: HDR100 VPI) 7, 2 2
Mellanox (NIC: HDR100 VPI) 3 1
Mellanox (NIC: HDR VPI) 7, 2 2
Mellanox (NIC: HDR VPI) 3 1
Intel (NIC: ACC100) 7, 2 2
Mellanox (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
SolarFlare (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Broadcom (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
QLogic (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Intel (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Broadcom (OCP: 10 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Intel (OCP: 10 Gb) Integrated slot 1
QLogic (OCP: 10 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Broadcom (OCP: 1 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Intel (OCP: 1 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Foxconn (External Adapter) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
Foxconn (External Adapter) 6 1
Foxconn (External Adapter) 5, 4, 7, 2, 6 5
Inventec (BOSS S1 Full height) 5, 4, 7, 2 1
Inventec (BOSS S1 Low profile) 6 1
Inventec (BOSS S2 Adapter) Integrated slot 1
Samsung (PCIe SSD) 5, 4, 7, 2 4
NOTE:The Management Interface Card (MIC), MIC_UART cable and MIC_CON1 cable are required when installing the Dell DPUs. However, partner DPU such as KK7JD does not require the MIC and cables.
NOTE:Mellanox Bluefield2 25 Gbe DPU card supports only Nvidia Channel FW and Channel Driver, and does not support Dell FW or Driver SWB DUP updates.
Table 9. Configuration 4-1: R1C + R2A + R3A + R4A (FL)Configuration 4-1: R1C + R2A + R3A + R4A (FL)
Card type Slot priority Maximum number of cards
Inventec (VGA) 4 1
Inventec (Serial) 4 1
Inventec (LOM) Integrated Slot 1
NVIDIA (GPU A10, 24 Gb, 150 W) 7, 2, 1 3
NVIDIA (GPU A10, 24 Gb, V2) 7, 2, 1 3
Inventec (FPERC 10.15) Integrated slot 2
Foxconn (FPERC 10.15) Integrated slot 2
Foxconn (FPERC 11) Integrated slot 2
Foxconn (FPERC HBA 11) Integrated slot 2
Mellanox (NIC: 200 Gb, LP) 6, 3 2
Mellanox (NIC: 200 Gb, FH) 5, 7, 2, 1 4
Mellanox (NIC: 100 Gb) 5, 7, 2, 1 4
Broadcom (NIC: 100 Gb) 5, 7, 2, 1 4
Intel (NIC: 100 Gb) 5, 7, 2, 1 4
Mellanox (NIC: 100 Gb) 6, 3 2
Broadcom (NIC: 100 Gb) 6, 3 2
Intel (NIC: 100 Gb) 6, 3 2
Emulex (HBA: FC64 LP) 6, 3 2
Emulex (HBA: FC64) 5, 7, 2, 1 4
Mellanox (NIC: 25 Gb) 5, 7, 2, 1 4
SolarFlare (NIC: 25 Gb) 5, 7, 2, 1 4
Broadcom (NIC: 25 Gb) 5, 7, 2, 1 4
Intel (NIC: 25 Gb) 5, 7, 2, 1 4
Qlogic - Marvell (NIC: 25 Gb) 5, 7, 2, 1 4
Mellanox (NIC: 25 Gb) 5, 7, 2, 1 4
NVIDIA - Mellanox (Partner DPU: 25 Gb) 5, 7, 2, 1 4
Mellanox (NIC: 25 Gb) 6, 3 2
SolarFlare (NIC: 25 Gb) 6, 3 2
Broadcom (NIC: 25 Gb) 6, 3 2
Intel (NIC: 25 Gb) 6, 3 2
Qlogic - Marvell (NIC: 25 Gb) 6, 3 2
Emulex (HBA: FC32) 5, 7, 2, 1 4
Broadcom (HBA: FC32) 5, 7, 2, 1 4
Qlogic (HBA: FC32) 5, 7, 2, 1 4
Emulex (HBA: FC32) 6, 3 2
Broadcom (HBA: FC32) 6, 3 2
Qlogic (HBA: FC32) 6, 3 2
Emulex (HBA: FC16) 5, 7, 2, 1 4
Broadcom (HBA: FC16) 5, 7, 2, 1 4
Qlogic (HBA: FC16) 5, 7, 2, 1 4
Emulex (HBA: FC16) 6, 3 2
Broadcom (HBA: FC16) 6, 3 2
Qlogic (HBA: FC16) 6, 3 2
Broadcom (NIC: 10 Gb) 5, 7, 2, 1 4
Intel (NIC: 10 Gb) 5, 7, 2, 1 4
Qlogic - Marvell (NIC: 10 Gb) 5, 7, 2, 1 4
Broadcom (NIC: 10 Gb) 6, 3 2
Intel (NIC: 10 Gb) 6, 3 2
Qlogic - Marvell (NIC: 10 Gb) 6, 3 2
Broadcom (NIC: 1 Gb) 5, 7, 2, 1 4
Intel (NIC: 1 Gb) 5, 7, 2, 1 4
Broadcom (NIC: 1 Gb) 6, 3 2
Intel (NIC: 1 Gb) 6, 3 2
Mellanox (NIC: HDR100 VPI) 5, 7, 2, 1 4
Mellanox (NIC: HDR100 VPI) 6, 3 2
Mellanox (NIC: HDR VPI) 5, 7, 2, 1 4
Mellanox (NIC: HDR VPI) 6, 3 2
Intel (NIC: ACC100, FH) 5, 7, 2, 1 4
Intel (NIC: ACC100, LP) 6, 3 2
Mellanox (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
SolarFlare (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Broadcom (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
QLogic (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Intel (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Broadcom (OCP: 10 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Intel (OCP: 10 Gb) Integrated slot 1
QLogic (OCP: 10 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Broadcom (OCP: 1 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Intel (OCP: 1 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Foxconn (External Adapter) 5, 7, 2, 1 4
Foxconn (External Adapter) 6, 3 2
Foxconn (External Adapter) 5, 7, 2, 1, 6, 3 6
Inventec (BOSS S1 Full height) 5, 7, 2, 1 1
Inventec (BOSS S1 Low profile) 6, 3 1
Inventec (BOSS S2 Adapter) Integrated slot 1
Samsung (PCIe SSD) 5, 7, 2, 1 4
NOTE:The Management Interface Card (MIC), MIC_UART cable and MIC_CON1 cable are required when installing the Dell DPUs. However, partner DPU such as KK7JD does not require the MIC and cables.
NOTE:Mellanox Bluefield2 25 Gbe DPU card supports only Nvidia Channel FW and Channel Driver, and does not support Dell FW or Driver SWB DUP updates.
Table 10. Configuration 4-2: R1C + R2A + R3A + R4A (HL)Configuration 4-2: R1C + R2A + R3A + R4A (HL)
Card type Slot priority Maximum number of cards
Inventec (VGA) 4 1
Inventec (Serial) 4 1
Inventec (LOM) Integrated slot 1
NVIDIA (GPU T4 FH) 7, 1, 2, 5 4
NVIDIA (GPU T4 LP) 3, 6 2
NVIDIA (GPU A2, 16 Gb, 60 W) 5, 1, 7, 2 4
NVIDIA (GPU A2, 16 Gb, LP, V2) 3, 6 2
NVIDIA (GPU A2, 16 Gb, V2) 5, 1, 7, 2 4
NVIDIA (GPU L4) 5, 1, 7, 2 4
NVIDIA (GPU L4 LP) 6, 3 2
Intel (GPU ATS-M, 12 Gb, 75 W) 5, 1, 7, 2 4
Intel (GPU ATS-M, 12 Gb, 75 W, LP) 3, 6 2
Inventec (FPERC 10.15) Integrated slot 2
Foxconn (FPERC 10.15) Integrated slot 2
Foxconn (FPERC 11) Integrated slot 2
Foxconn (FPERC HBA 11) Integrated slot 2
Mellanox (NIC: 200 Gb, LP) 6, 3 2
Mellanox (NIC: 200 Gb, FH) 5, 7, 2, 1 4
Mellanox (NIC: 100 Gb) 5, 7, 2, 1 4
Broadcom (NIC: 100 Gb) 5, 7, 2, 1 4
Intel (NIC: 100 Gb) 5, 7, 2, 1 4
Mellanox (NIC: 100 Gb) 6, 3 2
Broadcom (NIC: 100 Gb) 6, 3 2
Intel (NIC: 100 Gb) 6, 3 2
Emulex (HBA: FC64 LP) 6, 3 2
Emulex (HBA: FC64) 5, 7, 2, 1 4
Mellanox (NIC: 25 Gb) 5, 7, 2, 1 4
SolarFlare (NIC: 25 Gb) 5, 7, 2, 1 4
Broadcom (NIC: 25 Gb) 5, 7, 2, 1 4
Intel (NIC: 25 Gb) 5, 7, 2, 1 4
Qlogic - Marvell (NIC: 25 Gb) 5, 7, 2, 1 4
NVIDIA - Mellanox (Partner DPU: 25 Gb) 5, 7, 2, 1 4
Mellanox (NIC: 25 Gb) 6, 3 2
SolarFlare (NIC: 25 Gb) 6, 3 2
Broadcom (NIC: 25 Gb) 6, 3 2
Intel (NIC: 25 Gb) 6, 3 2
Qlogic - Marvell (NIC: 25 Gb) 6, 3 2
Emulex (HBA: FC32) 5, 7, 2, 1 4
Broadcom (HBA: FC32) 5, 7, 2, 1 4
Qlogic (HBA: FC32) 5, 7, 2, 1 4
Emulex (HBA: FC32) 6, 3 2
Broadcom (HBA: FC32) 6, 3 2
Qlogic (HBA: FC32) 6, 3 2
Emulex (HBA: FC16) 5, 7, 2, 1, 6, 3 6
Broadcom (HBA: FC16) 5, 7, 2, 1 4
Qlogic (HBA: FC16) 5, 7, 2, 1 4
Emulex (HBA: FC16) 6, 3 2
Broadcom (HBA: FC16) 6, 3 2
Qlogic (HBA: FC16) 6, 3 2
Broadcom (NIC: 10 Gb) 5, 7, 2, 1, 6, 3 6
Intel (NIC: 10 Gb) 5, 7, 2, 1 4
Qlogic - Marvell (NIC: 10 Gb) 5, 7, 2, 1 4
Broadcom (NIC: 10 Gb) 6, 3 2
Intel (NIC: 10 Gb) 6, 3 2
Qlogic - Marvell (NIC: 10 Gb) 6, 3 2
Broadcom (NIC: 1 Gb) 5, 7, 2, 1 4
Intel (NIC: 1 Gb) 5, 7, 2, 1 4
Broadcom (NIC: 1 Gb) 6, 3 2
Intel (NIC: 1 Gb) 6, 3 2
Mellanox (NIC: HDR100 VPI) 5, 7, 2, 1 4
Mellanox (NIC: HDR100 VPI) 6, 3 2
Mellanox (NIC: HDR VPI) 5, 7, 2, 1 4
Mellanox (NIC: HDR VPI) 6, 3 2
Intel (NIC: ACC100, LP) 6, 3 2
Intel (NIC: ACC100, FH) 5, 7, 2, 1 4
Mellanox (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
SolarFlare (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Broadcom (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Qlogic (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Intel (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Broadcom (OCP: 10 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Intel (OCP: 10 Gb) Integrated slot 1
QLogic (OCP: 10 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Broadcom (OCP: 1 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Intel (OCP: 1 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Foxconn (External Adapter) 5, 7, 2, 1 4
Foxconn (External Adapter) 6, 3 2
Foxconn (External Adapter) 5, 7, 2, 1, 6, 3 6
Inventec (BOSS S1 Full height) 5, 7, 2, 1 1
Inventec (BOSS S1 Low profile) 6, 3 1
Inventec (BOSS S2 Adapter) Integrated slot 1
Samsung (PCIe SSD) 5, 7, 2, 1 4
NOTE:The Management Interface Card (MIC), MIC_UART cable and MIC_CON1 cable are required when installing the Dell DPUs. However, partner DPU such as KK7JD does not require the MIC and cables.
NOTE:Mellanox Bluefield2 25 Gbe DPU card supports only Nvidia Channel FW and Channel Driver, and does not support Dell FW or Driver SWB DUP updates.
Table 11. Configuration 5: R2A + R4AConfiguration 5: R2A + R4A
Card type Slot priority Maximum number of cards
Inventec (Serial) 8 1
Inventec (LOM) Integrated slot 1
Inventec (FPERC 10.15) Integrated slot 1
Foxconn (FPERC 10.15) Integrated slot 1
Foxconn (FPERC 11) Integrated slot 1
Foxconn (FPERC HBA 11) Integrated slot 1
Foxconn (APERC 10.15) 3 1
Foxconn (APERC 11) 3 1
Inventec (APERC 10.15) 3 1
Foxconn (APERC HBA 11) 3 1
Mellanox (NIC: 200 Gb, LP) 6, 3 2
Mellanox (NIC: 100 Gb) 6, 3 2
Broadcom (NIC: 100 Gb) 6, 3 2
Intel (NIC: 100 Gb) 6, 3 2
Emulex (HBA: FC64 LP) 6, 3 2
Emulex (HBA: FC64) 7 1
SolarFlare (NIC: 25 Gb) 7 1
Broadcom (NIC: 25 Gb) 7 1
Intel (NIC: 25 Gb) 7 1
Qlogic - Marvell (NIC: 25 Gb) 7 1
Mellanox (NIC: 25 Gb) 7 1
NVIDIA - Mellanox (Partner DPU: 25 Gb) 8, 7 2
Mellanox (NIC: 25 Gb) 6, 3 2
SolarFlare (NIC: 25 Gb) 6, 3 2
Broadcom (NIC: 25 Gb) 6, 3 2
Intel (NIC: 25 Gb) 6, 3 2
Qlogic - Marvell (NIC: 25 Gb) 6, 3 2
Emulex (HBA: FC32) 7 1
Broadcom (HBA: FC32) 7 1
Qlogic (HBA: FC32) 7 1
Emulex (HBA: FC32) 6, 3 2
Broadcom (HBA: FC32) 6, 3 2
Qlogic (HBA: FC32) 6, 3 2
Emulex (HBA: FC16) 7 1
Broadcom (HBA: FC16) 7 1
Qlogic (HBA: FC16) 7 1
Emulex (HBA: FC16) 6, 3 2
Broadcom (HBA: FC16) 6, 3 2
Qlogic (HBA: FC16) 6, 3 2
Broadcom (NIC: 10 Gb) 7 1
Intel (NIC: 10 Gb) 7 1
Qlogic - Marvell (NIC: 10 Gb) 7 1
Broadcom (NIC: 10 Gb) 6, 3 2
Intel (NIC: 10 Gb) 6, 3 2
Qlogic - Marvell (NIC: 10 Gb) 6, 3 2
Broadcom (NIC: 1 Gb) 7 1
Intel (NIC: 1 Gb) 7 1
Broadcom (NIC: 1 Gb) 6, 3 2
Intel (NIC: 1 Gb) 6, 3 2
Mellanox (NIC: HDR100 VPI) 6, 3 2
Mellanox (NIC: HDR VPI) 6, 3 2
Intel (NIC: ACC100 LP) 6, 3 2
Mellanox (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
SolarFlare (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Broadcom (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
QLogic (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Intel (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Broadcom (OCP: 10 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Intel (OCP: 10 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Qlogic (OCP: 10 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Broadcom (OCP: 1 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Intel (OCP: 1 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Foxconn (External Adapter) 7 1
Foxconn (External Adapter) 6, 3 2
Foxconn (External Adapter) 6, 3, 7 3
Inventec (BOSS S1 Full height) 8, 7 1
Inventec (BOSS S1 Low profile) 6, 3 1
Inventec (BOSS S2 Adapter) Integrated slot 1
Samsung (PCIe SSD) 8, 7 2
NOTE:The Management Interface Card (MIC), MIC_UART cable and MIC_CON1 cable are required when installing the Dell DPUs. However, partner DPU such as KK7JD does not require the MIC and cables.
NOTE:Mellanox Bluefield2 25 Gbe DPU card supports only Nvidia Channel FW and Channel Driver, and does not support Dell FW or Driver SWB DUP updates.
Table 12. Configuration 6: R1B + R2A + R4BConfiguration 6: R1B + R2A + R4B
Card type Slot priority Maximum number of cards
Inventec (Serial) 8 1
Inventec (LOM) Integrated slot 1
Inventec (FPERC 10.15) Integrated slot 1
Foxconn (FPERC 10.15) Integrated slot 1
Foxconn (FPERC 11) Integrated slot 1
Foxconn (FPERC HBA 11) Integrated slot 1
Foxconn (APERC 10.15) 2, 1 1
Foxconn (APERC 11) 2, 1 1
Inventec (APERC 10.15) 2, 1 1
Foxconn (APERC HBA 11) 2, 1 1
Mellanox (NIC: 200 Gb, LP) 6, 3 2
Mellanox (NIC: 100 Gb) 6, 3 2
Broadcom (NIC: 100 Gb) 6, 3 2
Intel (NIC: 100 Gb) 6, 3 2
Emulex (HBA: FC64 LP) 6, 3 2
Emulex (HBA: FC64) 7, 2, 1 3
SolarFlare (NIC: 25 Gb) 7, 2, 1 3
Broadcom (NIC: 25 Gb) 7, 2, 1 3
Intel (NIC: 25 Gb) 7, 2, 1 3
Qlogic - Marvell (NIC: 25 Gb) 7, 2, 1 3
Mellanox (NIC: 25 Gb) 7, 2, 1 3
NVIDIA - Mellanox (Partner DPU: 25 Gb) 8, 7, 2, 1 4
Mellanox (NIC: 25 Gb) 6, 3 2
SolarFlare (NIC: 25 Gb) 6, 3 2
Broadcom (NIC: 25 Gb) 6, 3 2
Intel (NIC: 25 Gb) 6, 3 2
Qlogic - Marvell (NIC: 25 Gb) 6, 3 2
Emulex (HBA: FC32) 7, 2, 1 3
Broadcom (HBA: FC32) 7, 2, 1 3
Qlogic (HBA: FC32) 7, 2, 1 3
Emulex (HBA: FC32) 6, 3 2
Broadcom (HBA: FC32) 6, 3 2
Qlogic (HBA: FC32) 6, 3 2
Emulex (HBA: FC16) 7, 2, 1 3
Broadcom (HBA: FC16) 7, 2, 1 3
Qlogic (HBA: FC16) 7, 2, 1 3
Emulex (HBA: FC16) 6, 3 2
Broadcom (HBA: FC16) 6, 3 2
Qlogic (HBA: FC16) 6, 3 2
Broadcom (NIC: 10 Gb) 7, 2, 1 3
Intel (NIC: 10 Gb) 7, 2, 1 3
Qlogic - Marvell (NIC: 10 Gb) 7, 2, 1 3
Qlogic - Marvell (NIC: 10 Gb) 6, 3 2
Broadcom (NIC: 10 Gb) 6, 3 2
Intel (NIC: 10 Gb) 6, 3 2
Broadcom (NIC: 1 Gb) 7, 2, 1 3
Intel (NIC: 1 Gb) 7, 2, 1 3
Broadcom (NIC: 1 Gb) 6, 3 2
Intel (NIC: 1 Gb) 6, 3 2
Mellanox (NIC: HDR100 VPI) 6, 3 2
Mellanox (NIC: HDR VPI) 6, 3 2
Intel (NIC: ACC100, LP) 6, 3 2
Mellanox (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
SolarFlare (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Broadcom (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Qlogic (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Intel (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Broadcom (OCP: 10 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Intel (OCP: 10 Gb) Integrated slot 1
QLogic (OCP: 10 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Broadcom (OCP: 1 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Intel (OCP: 1 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Foxconn (External Adapter) 7, 2, 1 3
Foxconn (External Adapter) 6, 3 2
Foxconn (External Adapter) 7, 2, 1, 6, 3 5
Inventec (BOSS S1 Full height) 8, 7, 2, 1 1
Inventec (BOSS S1 Low profile) 6, 3 1
Inventec (BOSS S2 Adapter) Integrated slot 1
Samsung (PCIe SSD) 8, 7, 2, 1 4
NOTE:The Management Interface Card (MIC), MIC_UART cable and MIC_CON1 cable are required when installing the Dell DPUs. However, partner DPU such as KK7JD does not require the MIC and cables.
NOTE:Mellanox Bluefield2 25 Gbe DPU card supports only Nvidia Channel FW and Channel Driver, and does not support Dell FW or Driver SWB DUP updates.
Table 13. Configuration 7: R2A + R4B with R1 and R3 paddle cardsConfiguration 7: R2A + R4B with R1 and R3 paddle cards
Card type Slot priority Maximum number of cards
Inventec (LOM) Integrated slot 1
Mellanox (NIC:200Gb, LP) 6, 3 2
Mellanox (NIC: 100 Gb) 6, 3 2
Broadcom (NIC: 100 Gb) 6, 3 2
Intel (NIC: 100 Gb) 6, 3 2
Emulex (HBA: FC64 LP) 6, 3 2
Emulex (HBA: FC64) 7 1
SolarFlare (NIC: 25 Gb) 7 1
Broadcom (NIC: 25 Gb) 7 1
Intel (NIC: 25 Gb) 7 1
Qlogic - Marvell (NIC: 25 Gb) 7 1
Mellanox (NIC: 25 Gb) 7 1
NVIDIA - Mellanox (Partner DPU: 25 Gb) 8, 7 2
Mellanox (NIC: 25 Gb) 6, 3 2
SolarFlare (NIC: 25 Gb) 6, 3 2
Broadcom (NIC: 25 Gb) 6, 3 2
Intel (NIC: 25 Gb) 6, 3 2
Qlogic - Marvell (NIC: 25 Gb) 6, 3 2
Emulex (HBA: FC32) 7 1
Broadcom (HBA: FC32) 7 1
Qlogic (HBA: FC32) 7 1
Emulex (HBA: FC32) 6, 3 2
Broadcom (HBA: FC32) 6, 3 2
Qlogic (HBA: FC32) 6, 3 2
Emulex (HBA: FC16) 7 1
Broadcom (HBA: FC16) 7 1
Qlogic (HBA: FC16) 7 1
Emulex (HBA: FC16) 6, 3 2
Broadcom (HBA: FC16) 6, 3 2
Qlogic (HBA: FC16) 6, 3 2
Broadcom (NIC: 10 Gb) 7 1
Intel (NIC: 10 Gb) 7 1
Qlogic - Marvell (NIC: 10 Gb) 7 1
Qlogic - Marvell (NIC: 10 Gb) 6, 3 2
Broadcom (NIC: 10 Gb) 6, 3 2
Intel (NIC: 10 Gb) 6, 3 2
Broadcom (NIC: 1 Gb) 7 1
Intel (NIC: 1 Gb) 7 1
Broadcom (NIC: 1 Gb) 6, 3 2
Intel (NIC: 1 Gb) 6, 3 2
Mellanox (NIC: HDR100 VPI) 6, 3 2
Mellanox (NIC: HDR VPI) 6, 3 2
Intel (NICACC100, LP) 6, 3 2
Mellanox (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
SolarFlare (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Broadcom (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
QLogic (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Intel (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Broadcom (OCP: 10 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Intel (OCP: 10 Gb) Integrated slot 1
QLogic (OCP: 10 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Broadcom (OCP: 1 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Intel (OCP: 1 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Foxconn (External Adapter) 7 1
Foxconn (External Adapter) 6, 3 2
Foxconn (External Adapter) 7, 6, 3 3
Inventec (BOSS S1 Full height) 8, 7 1
Inventec (BOSS S1 Low profile) 6, 3 1
Inventec (BOSS S2 Adapter) Integrated slot 1
Samsung (PCIe SSD) 8, 7 2
NOTE:The Management Interface Card (MIC), MIC_UART cable and MIC_CON1 cable are required when installing the Dell DPUs. However, partner DPU such as KK7JD does not require the MIC and cables.
NOTE:Mellanox Bluefield2 25 Gbe DPU card supports only Nvidia Channel FW and Channel Driver, and does not support Dell FW or Driver SWB DUP updates.
Table 14. Configuration 8: R1B + R2AConfiguration 8: R1B + R2A
Card type Slot priority Maximum number of cards
Inventec (LOM) Integrated slot 1
Inventec (FPERC 10.15) Integrated slot 1
Foxconn (FPERC 10.15) Integrated slot 1
Foxconn (FPERC 11) Integrated slot 1
Foxconn (FPERC HBA 11) Integrated slot 1
Mellanox (NIC: 200 Gb, LP) 3 1
Mellanox (NIC: 100 Gb) 3 1
Broadcom (NIC: 100 Gb) 3 1
Intel (NIC: 100 Gb) 3 1
Emulex (HBA: FC64 LP) 3 1
Emulex (HBA: FC64) 2, 1 2
SolarFlare (NIC: 25 Gb) 2, 1 2
Broadcom (NIC: 25 Gb) 2, 1 2
Intel (NIC: 25 Gb) 2, 1 2
Qlogic - Marvell (NIC: 25 Gb) 2, 1 2
Mellanox (NIC: 25 Gb) 2, 1 2
NVIDIA - Mellanox (Partner DPU: 25 Gb) 2, 1 2
Mellanox (NIC: 25 Gb) 3 1
SolarFlare (NIC: 25 Gb) 3 1
Broadcom (NIC: 25 Gb) 3 1
Intel (NIC: 25 Gb) 3 1
Qlogic - Marvell (NIC: 25 Gb) 3 1
Emulex (HBA: FC32) 2, 1 2
Broadcom (HBA: FC32) 2, 1 2
Qlogic (HBA: FC32) 2, 1 2
Emulex (HBA: FC32) 3 1
Broadcom (HBA: FC32) 3 1
Qlogic (HBA: FC32) 3 1
Emulex (HBA: FC16) 2, 1 2
Broadcom (HBA: FC16) 2, 1 2
Qlogic (HBA: FC16) 2, 1 2
Emulex (HBA: FC16) 3 1
Broadcom (HBA: FC16) 3 1
Qlogic (HBA: FC16) 3 1
Broadcom (NIC: 10 Gb) 2, 1, 3 3
Intel (NIC: 10 Gb) 2, 1 2
Qlogic - Marvell (NIC: 10 Gb) 2, 1 2
Qlogic - Marvell (NIC: 10 Gb) 3 1
Broadcom (NIC: 10 Gb) 3 1
Intel (NIC: 10 Gb) 3 1
Broadcom (NIC: 1 Gb) 2, 1 2
Intel (NIC: 1 Gb) 2, 1 2
Broadcom (NIC: 1 Gb) 3 1
Intel (NIC: 1 Gb) 3 1
Mellanox (NIC: HDR100 VPI) 3 1
Mellanox (NIC: HDR VPI) 3 1
Intel (NICACC100, LP) 3 1
Mellanox (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
SolarFlare (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Broadcom (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
QLogic (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Intel (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Broadcom (OCP: 10 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Intel (OCP: 10 Gb) Integrated slot 1
QLogic (OCP: 10 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Broadcom (OCP: 1 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Intel (OCP: 1 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Foxconn (External Adapter) 2, 1 2
Foxconn (External Adapter) 3 1
Foxconn (External Adapter) 2, 1, 3 3
Inventec (BOSS S1 Full height) 2, 1 1
Inventec (BOSS S1 Low profile) 3 1
Inventec (BOSS S2 Adapter) Integrated slot 1
Samsung (PCIe SSD) 2, 1 2
NOTE:The Management Interface Card (MIC), MIC_UART cable and MIC_CON1 cable are required when installing the Dell DPUs. However, partner DPU such as KK7JD does not require the MIC and cables.
NOTE:Mellanox Bluefield2 25 Gbe DPU card supports only Nvidia Channel FW and Channel Driver, and does not support Dell FW or Driver SWB DUP updates.
Table 15. Configuration 9: R2AConfiguration 9: R2A
Card type Slot priority Maximum number of cards
Inventec (LOM) Integrated slot 1
Foxconn (APERC 10.15) 3 1
Foxconn (APERC 11) 3 1
Inventec (APERC 10.15) 3 1
Foxconn (APERC HBA 11) 3 1
Mellanox (NIC: 200 Gb, LP) 3 1
Mellanox (NIC: 100 Gb) 3 1
Broadcom (NIC: 100 Gb) 3 1
Intel (NIC: 100 Gb) 3 1
Emulex (HBA: FC64 LP) 3 1
Mellanox (NIC: 25 Gb) 3 1
SolarFlare (NIC: 25 Gb) 3 1
Broadcom (NIC: 25 Gb) 3 1
Intel (NIC: 25 Gb) 3 1
Qlogic - Marvell (NIC: 25 Gb) 3 1
Emulex (HBA: FC32) 3 1
Broadcom (HBA: FC32) 3 1
Qlogic (HBA: FC32) 3 1
Emulex (HBA: FC16) 3 1
Broadcom (HBA: FC16) 3 1
Qlogic (HBA: FC16) 3 1
Broadcom (NIC: 10 Gb) 3 1
Intel (NIC: 10 Gb) 3 1
Qlogic - Marvell (NIC: 10 Gb) 3 1
Broadcom (NIC: 1 Gb) 3 1
Intel (NIC: 1 Gb) 3 1
Mellanox (NIC: HDR100 VPI) 3 1
Mellanox (NIC: HDR VPI) 3 1
Intel (NIC:ACC100, LP) 3 1
Mellanox (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
SolarFlare (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Broadcom (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
QLogic (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Intel (OCP: 25 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Broadcom (OCP: 10 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Intel (OCP: 10 Gb) Integrated slot 1
QLogic (OCP: 10 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Broadcom (OCP: 1 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Intel (OCP: 1 Gb) Integrated slot 1
Foxconn (External Adapter) 3 1
Inventec (BOSS S1 Low profile) 3 1
Inventec (BOSS S2 Adapter) Integrated slot 1

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