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Dell Lifecycle Controller Integration Version 3.3 for Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager User's Guide

Introduction to Dell Lifecycle Controller Integration (DLCI) for Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager

Dell Lifecycle Controller Integration (DLCI) for Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (Configuration Manager) enables the administrators to leverage the remote enablement capabilities of Dell Lifecycle Controller, available as part of the Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller (iDRAC).

Configuration Manager is used in this document with reference to the following products:
  • Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager Version 1610
  • Microsoft System Center 2012 SP2 Configuration Manager
  • Microsoft System Center 2012 R2 SP1 Configuration Manager
  • Microsoft System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager
  • Microsoft System Center 2012 SP1 Configuration Manager
  • Microsoft System Center 2012 Configuration Manager

This document contains information on the prerequisites and supported software necessary for installing DLCI version 3.3 for Configuration Manager. If you are installing this version of DLCI for Microsoft Configuration Manager after a long time after its release date, check to see if there is an updated version of this document at

At a high level, the remote enablement capabilities include:

  • Autodiscovery
  • Hardware configuration
  • Firmware comparison and updates
  • Remote operating system deployment for a collection of Dell systems

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