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Dell OpenManage Deployment Toolkit Version 4.3 User's Guide


Installing Using YUM

To install DTK RPMs using YUM:
  1. Install YUM and the dependency RPMs.
  2. Mount the DTK iso to /mnt/cdrom.
  3. Create a repository file (for example, dtk.repo) for the required operating system in a writable location. The corresponding RPMs for the operating system are located at /mnt/cdrom/RPMs/<OS>, where OS can be Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 or Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6. For example, to deploy DTK RPMs on RHEL 6. x, you can use the following content in dtk.repo file:
  4. Use the following command to install DTK RPMs: yum install -c dtk.repo -y <RPM> , where < RPM> can be DTK binaries.
    • NOTE: For both installations, the raidcfg and syscfg binaries and libraries are installed at /opt/dell/toolkit/bin. The racadm binaries are installed at /opt/dell/srvadmin/bin and /opt/dell/srvadmin/sbin.

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