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Dell OpenManage Deployment Toolkit Version 4.3 User's Guide



To run the RACCAP.BAT or sample script to capture the RAC configuration information in the raccfg.ini file:

  1. Edit the startnet.cmd file (on your Windows PE image) or start-up script file (on your embedded Linux image) to call the RACCAP.BAT or script after the network share with the pre-built DTK directory structure is mounted. For example, add: On systems running Windows:
    Z:\Dell\x32\Toolkit\Template\Scripts\RACCAP.BAT Z:\raccfg.ini
    On systems running Linux:
  2. Boot the source system into Windows PE or embedded Linux. The script runs and saves the configuration information in the \Toolkit\Systems\<target system> directory on systems running Windows and /opt/dell/toolkit/systems/<target system> directory on systems running Linux.
  3. Edit the startnet.cmd file (Windows PE image) or start-up script file (embedded Linux image) to remove the text you added in step 1.
    • NOTE: The RAC configuration file is referred to as the .cfg file in the Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 6 (iDRAC6) Enterprise for Blade Servers User Guide and the Dell Remote Access Controller 4 User’s Guide . See these guides for additional information about manually creating a RAC configuration file.
    • NOTE: Do not replicate the RAC IP address when creating a .cfg file. Replicating the RAC IP address can leave the system inaccessible because multiple systems are configured with the same IP address.
    • NOTE: On Dell PowerEdge 9G or later systems, and have duplicate functions. If you run followed by, the latter overwrites the former settings.

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