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Dell OpenManage Deployment Toolkit Version 4.3 User's Guide


RAC And BIOS Configuration

Configure RAC on your source system using the RACADM.EXE (Windows) or racadm (Linux) utility, if applicable. From 12G onwards, BIOS options can be configured using racadm.
  • NOTE: For more information on configuring RAC and BIOS options on your source system, see the Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 7 (iDRAC7) User Guide .

4. DTK carries racadm for DRAC/iDRAC configurations – one of the important feature that racadm picks up the BIOS configurations available with racadm for 12G Servers, this needs to be highlighted as we want Customers to start adopting racadm for 12G BIOS configurations as we move forward to an Unified CLI. This needs to be covered with examples & syntax for the BIOS configurations on 12G – You may want to cover this high level and for complete details you could point to the section of 12G BIOS configurations from the racadm(iDRAC7) Guide Page 19 ug ,

After you have successfully prepared your directory structure for a deployment and fully configured your source system, you are ready to write, review, or edit the deployment sample scripts. For instructions on editing the sample scripts necessary to run a full deployment, see Preparing The Script Files .

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