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Dell OpenManage Deployment Toolkit Version 4.3 User's Guide


System-Specific Files

The directory Toolkit\Systems in systems running Microsoft Windows and /opt/dell/toolkit/systems/system name in systems running Linux acts as a central repository for all the system-specific deployment information. On systems running Linux, the /systems folder acts as a repository for the common files required for the systems. On systems running Windows, you can store all profile configuration files for an optimally configured Dell PowerEdge R720 in the directory Toolkit\Systems\peR720 as shown in the following figure. These files can then be accessed from this directory when deploying multiple PowerEdge R720 systems.
  • NOTE: If you choose to create a directory structure for the system-specific files that is different from the one suggested in this guide, ensure that you carefully review and edit each sample script (wherever necessary) to reflect the different directory structure.
DTK Directory Structure for Windows

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