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Dell OpenManage Deployment Toolkit Version 4.3 User's Guide


Windows PE Questions

Q: My system gets the error Illegal or Missing File Types Specified in Section Files.SCSI.Name during an unattended installation of a supported Windows operating system on supported Dell systems.

A: This behavior can occur when the line in the Txtsetup.oem file under the [Files.SCSI. name] heading is not a supported file type. To resolve this behavior, you must remove the line in the Txtsetup.oem file. The dynamic-link library (DLL) file can be copied to the correct location of the installation by placing it in the I386\$Oem$\$$\OEMDIR folder. ( OEMDIR is the destination folder where the file would normally be located, if installed to a running operating system. For example, INF files are normally found in the %SystemRoot%\INF folder. The correct OEMDIR destination can be found by searching the INF file used to install the device or driver.) For more information, see Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 275334 available at Microsoft website.

Q: In Windows, I see a blue screen when I delete a virtual disk and create a new one without initialization and attempt to format the disk.

A: Initialize (fast init) the drives before formatting the disk. This prevents the issue.

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