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  • Szybkie i łatwe składanie zamówień
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Dell OpenManage Deployment Toolkit Version 4.3 Command Line Interface Reference Guide


SYSCFG Options On PowerEdge 12G Systems

The following table lists the valid SYSCFG options and arguments supported on the PowerEdge 12G systems. On PowerEdge 12G systems, the SYSCFG options are grouped. The options and arguments are case insensitive. Running SYSCFG without arguments only displays the valid options. Reboot the system for the BIOS options to take effect.

Some of the BIOS options or arguments may not be available on all systems due to:

  • The BIOS version or hardware feature set.
  • A missing or expired license. The system displays an error message if the required license is not found. For more information, see Dell License Manager on
  • NOTE: PowerEdge 12G systems are backward compatible and support legacy arguments enable and disable. However, it is recommended to use enabled and disabled on PowerEdge 12G systems as the arguments enable and disable may be deprecated in future. For more information, see the BIOS options help.

To list the options which are set on the system, but not applied due to pending reboot, type:

syscfg --pendingvalues

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