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November 17th, 2014 00:00

Inspiron 13 7000 (7347) Touch screen problem

I have a one-month old Inspiron 13 7000 which has seen very little use, because of the problem which will become self-evident.

Very early on (when the laptop was 3 days old) I noticed that it would do "ghost touching" on the screen.  These ghost touches were always along a vertical column about 2/3 of the way to the right of the screen. As can be expected, these ghost touches would wreak havoc with whatever I was doing.

The ghost touches would go away after some time.

Other times there would be a single ghost touch that would remain pressed continuously.

I ran the Dell hardware diagnostics and the first time I did, it reported touch screen miscalibration.  It then prompted me to clear all the cells (all 405 of them) after which the touch screen worked without incident for several hours.

Then the ghost touching came back.  This time when I tried to clear the cells (via the n-trig tool that the Dell diagnostics fires up) I found that the entire right side of the screen (past the ghost touch column) would no longer respond to touch.  So I was unable to clear the cells.

Later on the touch screen "fixed itself" again - except, the ghost column is not responsive to touch anymore (but the screen to the left and right of the ghost column do respond).

To say that I am peeved that a $1200 laptop has such a severe flaw is understating things, to put it mildly. "I should have gotten the Mac Pro Retina" is a thought that has run through my mind many times these past couple weeks.

I have also de-installed and re-installed the touch screen drivers, etc.  The machine is fully up to date as far as I can tell (I installed all the Dell software, self-update, etc. etc. etc.)

I took some screen shots and videos of the ghost touch in action, to substantiate what I've seen.

This is not a Windows driver problem - the ghost touch also happens when running the BIOS diagnostics.

5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

February 23rd, 2015 00:00

Here is a movie

5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

February 23rd, 2015 01:00


On your YouTube movie with you send to the forum subscribers, "ghost area" is above "DELETE" Key. On my laptop, "ghost area" is somewere above "F11"/"F12"/"PrtScr" Key, but i'm not 100% sure that is allways exacly this same area.


5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

February 23rd, 2015 07:00

Brand new LCD on a board. Still working without any ghost.

ps.The Technician said that this kind "vertical ghost touches" is a problem of various models and brands.
He saw it recently on a Dell XPS.

5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

February 26th, 2015 05:00

Still no ghosts on new LCD :-)

February 26th, 2015 18:00

I had a problem with the new lcd also but after refreshing the pc, there has been no problem for the past 3 days. Hopefully it stays away.

1 Message

February 27th, 2015 15:00

I just bought a Dell 13 Inspiron 7000 and have the same problem. I did not know that this is a common issue otherwise I would not make the purchase. 

I am just curious that if a lot of us are suffering from this obvious design/hardware flaw, how come the customers are calling the technical support and waiting for a LCD replacement. 

Dell should recall this product and replace/refund people...

This laptop is my forth dell laptop, and generally have pretty good impression about Dell.

I wish they can do something, at least a recall/repair plan made clear so that people know what they can do without calling the tech support.  

4 Posts

February 27th, 2015 15:00

I had previously posted that a bios update had fixed my issue, actually just mad e it less prevalent.  Still pops up now and support ***.  I've called three times once a couple weeks ago, once today- transfered and then disconnected and not called back even though just got my callback number.  Called back again and tech said he could see no past calls(I WASNT SURPRISED SADLY).

Explained what were all experiencing, ghost touches, screen zooming, opening and closing items, etc - randomly or after we move screen either to adjust angle or convert to tablet and back,

Wanted to do all the same ***, boot safe mode, checking device manager etc - these people have no skills - i had to plead for tech to google Inspiron 13 7000 Ghost - to get to this forum, still took about another 45 minutes and now finally sending me a box so I can send in and probably get back not fixed a month later:(((

I used to work for Gateway 20 years ago, and worked for a State University School of Medicine IT department for another is truly sad what they consider tech support, outsourced, foreigners who cant get beyond their dialect - who just follow scripted troubleshooting and then have to check with someone every time a decision has to be made......maybe the last purchase I have with Dell.

Nobody seems to monitor these forums or cares?  Anybody out there?  Your ship is sinking...maybe Dell should go back to being a public company.

1 Message

March 2nd, 2015 14:00

Add mine to the problem list. It is getting progressively worse. I have not found a permanent fix so I guess I will disable the touch for now since I don't have time to be without a computer right now. Very frustrating!!! Defeats the purpose of a 2 in 1 without a touchscreen.

5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

March 3rd, 2015 14:00

I have a similar situation :emotion-6:
 A month has passed after the purchase..
Now my laptop to be repaired.. and I really hope that it will help to solve it... :emotion-42:

March 8th, 2015 18:00

I have the same problem with ghost clicks on a new Inspiron 17 7737 - always on the same horizontal line to the bottom left of the screen but slightly varying numbers of locations (generally 2-5).  This is an intermittent problem and when several posters have said that they tried to fix the problem and the fix seemed to work initially I'm not sure the fixes are fixing anything.

Anyway to be fair to Dell support they have been pretty quick in coming back via e-mail and suggesting various things including screen recalibration, reinstalling video drivers, updating Bios (though they told me not to bother when I pointed out that they were trying to get me to install an older version than I had) and finally a PC reset.  Well after 2-3 hours of reinstalling everything that the PC reset had deleted in occurred again.  They promised that if PC reset didn't work they would treat it as a hardware problem so we'll see tomorrow.  My brother's a senior desktop support analyst and said all along it was likely to be hardware.

Anyway Dell support haven't denied that this is an unacceptable problem - as previous posters have stated it renders the laptop completely unusable and the only way of stopping it is to hit the off button.  Disabling touch screen is clearly not acceptable when you've paid a lot more for touchscreen functionality.

3 Posts

March 10th, 2015 13:00

Purchased Feb 2015 had the ghost touch issue. 

Called Dell support, advised to return for repair. 

Next day delivery of a pre-paid shipping box. 

Computer returned within a week - fixed. 

That's about as good as you can hope for aside from not having the issue to begin with. 

5 Posts

March 10th, 2015 14:00

I posted in early February my experience with Dell Support ... definitely not as positive as you reported. Congratulations!

Would you share with those participating in this thread more information? Purchased the unit from? Any unique description of problem (if not generally the same as reported here)? Any approach you used to have hardware service initiated? Any idea of what was performed/replaced at service?

Thanks for you comments.

3 Posts

March 10th, 2015 15:00


Purchased from MicroCenter in Richardson Tx. The ghost touch problem was evident - like a thousand fingers touching the screen at once. If you were in a web browser it would go crazy. On the desktop, you could see the touch points glowing. 

When I contacted tech support I had already updated my drivers to the latest and performed a calibration so they had no ammo. 

I asked if this was a known problem and the reply was "there were some early units with an issue". I think they know very well there's an issue. 

They replaced my screen and did a good job. Got my original unit back - files intact. 

If I deliberately twist the screen I can make it happen but in normal use I do not have the problem any more. It's usable every day - and I do. 


1 Message

March 11th, 2015 16:00

Same here. I use this laptop as my primary travel computer for work and write a lot of lengthy reports. It has gotten so bad with the ghost touches coming and going that I have switched back to my old laptop. Nothing more annoying than having a long report completely ruined by a series of changes being made so rapidly that it is almost impossible to go back and fix all the issues - and that is when I can actually get the ghost touches to stop in a reasonable amount of time.  I also  do not really  feel comfortable with having to flex or bed the screen because I'm sure they will claim I caused the problem. Working on just returning it now since there is no way to completely turn the touch off. 

4 Posts

March 11th, 2015 19:00


It doesn't solve the problem, but at least it allows you to get your work done.

You can either
(a) disable the device (using Device Manager)
(b) or use a third party tool to toggle it off and on.

I have installed a third-party utility (see link below), so that I can switch it off with a couple of keystrokes (Windows-1 then Alt-Y).

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