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Dell SupportAssist for PCs and Tablets: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Zhrnutie: All you need to know about Dell SupportAssist (formerly My Dell or Dell Support Center)

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Dell SupportAssist for PCs (formerly My Dell or Dell Support Center) automates support from Dell by proactively and predictively identifying hardware and software issues on your system. SupportAssist addresses system performance and stabilization issues, prevents security threats, monitors and detects hardware failures, and automates the engagement process with Dell Technical support. Depending on your Dell service plan, SupportAssist also automates support request creation for issues that are detected during a scan.

For more information on Dell SupportAssist for PCs and Tablets, refer to the following documentation:

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Vlastnosti článku
Číslo článku: 000178802
Typ článku: How To
Dátum poslednej úpravy: 29 aug 2024
Verzia:  9
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