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The Wired Network Adapter Still Cannot Connect

Yhteenveto: Follow the steps when the wired adapter did not connect.

Tämä artikkeli on saatettu kääntää automaattisesti. Jos sinulla on palautetta sen laadusta, ilmoita siitä meille käyttämällä tämän sivun alareunassa olevaa lomaketta.

Artikkelin sisältö


To help connect to your network, perform the following steps:

  1. Make sure the latest driver is installed, for more information refer to: How to Download and Install Dell Drivers.
  2. Try a known-good network cable make sure both ends of your Ethernet cable are securely plugged in to your computer and the router or modem).
  3. Touch and hold or right-click the network icon in the notification area of your taskbar (located in the lower right-hand corner), and then touch or click Troubleshoot problems and follow the instructions.
  4. Run the Dell Network Adapter Diagnostics (when you have some Internet connection on the affected computer).
  5. Run the Dell SupportAssist Optimize Network application.
    1. In the search box type, supportassist.
    2. Touch or click SupportAssist.
      Note: When SupportAssist does not appear in the list of application, you will need download it, either on the computer that has the issue (if possible) or to a USB memory key on another device that can reach the internet. For more information on how to obtain and install SupportAssist, browse to the SupportAssist for PCs and tablets page. You may need to provide the Service Tag or Express Service Code of your Dell computer or select your computer model from a list.

    3. Touch or click Optimize My System.
    4. Touch or click Optimize Network.
    5. Touch or click Run Now.
    6. After the Optimize Network is finished (the status bar will read 100%) touch or click the History tab.
    7. Touch or click the latest listing of Optimize Network (Manual) to review the results.

  6. Refer to the following Microsoft Knowledge base articles:
  7. Refer to the following articles corresponding to the browser installed on your computer.

If your computer has an active hardware warranty, you may also contact Dell Technical Support for assistance.


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