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FS7600 Series (EqualLogic) Reference Articles

Yhteenveto: FluidFS is an enterprise-class, fully distributed file system that provides the tools necessary to manage file data in an efficient and simple manner. The underlying software architecture leverages a symmetric clustering model with distributed metadata, native load balancing, advanced caching capabilities, and a rich set of features. ...

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Artikkelin sisältö


Support Library - FS76x0 Series (EqualLogic)


Product Overview:

With the FS7600 Series, an EqualLogic group can serve up to 509TB of usable capacity for file storage, all within a single namespace. To help improve storage flexibility and utilization, the EqualLogic FS7600 Series features a virtualization layer that lets you expand NAS storage dynamically without any downtime.

Dell’s NAS appliance provides a number of features including a highly available dual controller architecture in a single, 2U NAS appliance. This platform simplifies installation with less required cabling, enhances performance with a PCIe backplane for inter-controller communications, and improves dependability with cache mirroring and fully redundant hot-swappable primary components.

General overview:


Dell Compellent FS76X0 Videos:





Artikkelin ominaisuudet

Tuote, johon asia vaikuttaa

EqualLogic FS7600, EqualLogic FS7610

Edellinen julkaisupäivä

09 huhtik. 2021



Artikkelin tyyppi
