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Dell Support Center or My Dell do not work after upgrade to Windows 10

Sammanfattning: Learn how to fix problems with Dell Support Center or My Dell applications after upgrading to Windows 10.

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Table of Contents:

  1. Application may not start or is not found
  2. Uninstall Dell SupportAssist or Dell Support Center
  3. Install the latest version of Dell SupportAssist

This article provides a resolution for customers who upgraded their computer to Windows 10 with an older version of Dell Support Center or My Dell installed.

Application may not start or is not found

The application may not start or may be uninstalled by Windows during the upgrade process. This may occur if a computer is upgraded to Windows 10 from Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 without upgrading to SupportAssist.

To resolve this issue, you must install the latest version of SupportAssist. Dell Support Center is no longer a supported product, so you must install SupportAssist instead.

Uninstall Dell SupportAssist or Dell Support Center

To uninstall an older version of My Dell or Dell Support Center, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click the Start menu button and select Control Panel.
  2. Under Programs, select Uninstall a program
  3. In the list of programs, locate and select Dell SupportAssist or My Dell.
  4. At the top of the window, select Uninstall
Dell Support Center may not be listed, as it may have been uninstalled by Windows during the upgrade process.

Install the latest version of Dell SupportAssist

For information about and to download the latest version of Dell SupportAssist for PCs, refer to the Dell SupportAssist for PCs support site.


Berörd produkt

SupportAssist for Home PCs

Senaste publiceringsdatum

10 apr. 2021



