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Items That Should Be Returned With A Warranty Monitor Replacement

Sammanfattning: This article describes what to return when you receive a replacement Dell monitor under warranty.

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Dell monitors are replaced using an advanced exchange warranty. When the replacement monitor arrives the existing monitor is returned in the packaging the replacement monitor arrived in. What is returned in addition to the monitor varies.

Replacement displays often arrive with the stand and/or cables and other peripheral items, but also may arrive as a bare monitor. 

Any stands, cables, covers, adapters, or other peripherals that are included with the replacement monitor should be returned with the old monitor.

Example scenarios:

  • If the replacement monitor is a bare monitor, only return the bare original monitor.
  • If the replacement monitor includes a stand, return the original monitor and the original stand.
  • If the replacement monitor includes any combination of peripherals/cables/covers/adapters, return the original monitor and the equivalent original peripherals/cables/covers/adapters.  

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Senaste publiceringsdatum

13 maj 2024




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