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Reference Guide Dell Wyse ThinOS Release 8.3.1 – INI Files


Downloading and Using Sample INI Files

ThinOS Sample INI files are available from Dell and can be modified to suit the individual connection profile needs for your users. These sample files are annotated to allow you to use them as a starter set that you can modify to get your file server up and running.

To download and use the files:
  1. From the file server machine on which you want to load the INI files for use, go to the Knowledge Base at www.dell.com/wyse/knowledgebase.
  2. On the Knowledge Base page, type sample.ini in the search text box, and then click Go.
  3. In the resulting solutions Title list, click the reference guide link for the ThinOS version you are using.
  4. In the resulting attachments Name list, click the Sample User INI link for the zip file you want to open, for example, Sample_User_INI_August2011.zip, and use the File Download dialog box.

    After downloading the self-extracting sample INI file to the file server you want, double-click the Sample_ini.exe file, and then modify the file using an ASCII text editor as needed for your use.

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