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Reference Guide Dell Wyse ThinOS Release 8.3.1 – INI Files


TimeZone Parameter: Values

Using the TimeZone parameter, Table “TimeZone Parameter: Values” contains the zone value options that can be used.

For Example:

TimeZone="GMT - 08:00" ManualOverride=Yes Daylight=Yes \
                                 Start=030207 End=110107 TimeZoneName=Pacific \

Remember to use quotation marks (" ") since the option includes spaces. The example above uses the " \" to break a single continuous line into multiple likes for easier reading with no" \" on the last line of the parameter.

  • NOTE:

    The Start and End options are in the MMWWDD format, where:

    MM = Month of the year. Values are 01 to 12 for the months of the year from January to December.

    For example, 01 = January, 12 = December

    WW = Week of the Month. Values are 01 to 05 for the week of the month, 05 is the last week.

    For example, 01 = 1st week, 05 = the last week of the month.

    DD = Day of the week. Values are 01 to 07 for the day in the week from Monday to Sunday.

    For example, 01 = Monday, 07 = Sunday

U.S. Only:

For the 2013 year, DST dates are Sunday, March 10, 2:00am and ends Sunday, November 3, 2:00am.

Start=030207 End=110107

For the 2014 year, DST dates are Sunday, March 9, 2:00am and ends Sunday, November 2, 2:00am.

Start=030207 End=110107

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