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Reference Guide Dell Wyse ThinOS Release 8.3.1 – INI Files


Supported INI Files you can Construct

The INI files contain the parameters and its associated options and values necessary for the various functionality you want.

You can construct the following INI files:

  • IMPORTANT: The INI file processing hierarchy is as follows:
  • Scenario 1 — WNOS.ini exists. The WNOS.ini file is processed and if the Include=$MAC.ini (or Include={username}.ini) statement is included, then the relative MAC.ini (or {username}.ini) file is processed.

  • Scenario 2 — WNOS.ini exists and {username}.ini exists. The WNOS.ini file is processed and if the Include=$MAC.ini statement is included, then the MAC.ini file is processed. Once the credentials are provided, the {username}.ini file is processed.

  • Scenario 3 — WNOS.ini exists and MAC.ini exists. The WNOS.ini file is processed and if the Include={username}.ini statement is included, then the {username}.ini file is processed. Once the credentials are provided, the MAC.ini file is processed.

  • Scenario 4 — No ini files exist. Local configuration is applied.

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