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Dell EMC Networking OS Configuration Guide for the S5048F–ON System


Configuring the IS-IS Cost

When you change from one IS-IS metric style to another, the IS-IS metric value could be affected. For each interface with IS-IS enabled, you can assign a cost or metric that is used in the link state calculation.

To change the metric or cost of the interface, use the following commands.
  • Assign an IS-IS metric.
    INTERFACE mode
    isis metric default-metric [level-1 | level-2]
    • default-metric: the range is from 0 to 63 if the metric-style is narrow, narrow-transition, or transition.
    The range is from 0 to 16777215 if the metric style is wide or wide transition.
  • Assign a metric for an IPv6 link or interface.
    INTERFACE mode
    isis ipv6 metric default-metric [level-1 | level-2]
    • default-metric: the range is from 0 to 63 for narrow and transition metric styles. The range is from 0 to 16777215 for wide metric styles.

    The default is 10.
    The default level is level-1.
    For more information about this command, refer to Configuring the IS-IS Metric Style.

The following table describes the correct value range for the isis metric command.

Metric Sytle
Correct Value Range
0 to 16777215
0 to 63
wide transition
0 to 16777215
narrow transition
0 to 63
0 to 63

To view the interface’s current metric, use the show config command in INTERFACE mode or the show isis interface command in EXEC Privilege mode.

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