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Dell OpenManage Deployment Toolkit Version 4.3 User's Guide


Answer Files (ks.cfg, ks-rhel5.cfg, ks-rhel6.cfg, and ks_rhel6_uefi.cfg)

Depending on the version of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server operating system, the ks.cfg, ks-rhel5.cfg, ks-rhel6.cfg or ks_rhel6_uefi.cfg (only in UEFI mode) files are the default names of the answer files to automate an unattended Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server installation. A sample copy of the ks.cfg/ks-rhel5.cfg/ks-rhel6.cfg file is provided as part of the DTK download in the /opt/dell/toolkit/template/configs directory. The ks.cfg/ks-rhel5.cfg/ks-rhel6.cfg files contain the headings and parameters that instruct the installation utility to perform various configuration tasks. Before a full deployment can be run, edit all appropriate headings and parameters, as necessary.
  • NOTE: The sample file provided to install Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server (version 5) in BIOS mode is named ks-rhel5.cfg. To use the sample ks-rhel5.cfg file to install Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server (version 5) using lininst.sh, ensure that you rename the file to ks.cfg.
  • NOTE: The sample files provided to install Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server (version 6) are ks-rhel6.cfg (in BIOS mode), and ks_rhel6_uefi.cfg (in UEFI mode). To use the sample ks-rhel6.cfg file to install Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server (version 6) using lininst.sh, ensure that you rename the file to ks.cfg. To use the sample ks_rhel6_uefi.cfg file to install Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server (version 6) using lininst.sh, ensure that you rename the file to ks_uefi.cfg.
  • NOTE: See your operating system documentation for instructions on modifying the options in the kick start file to customize the scripted installation of your operating system.

When you have completed all necessary modifications of the kick start file, save the completed file in the /opt/dell/toolkit/systems/<target system> directory.

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