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Dell OpenManage Deployment Toolkit Version 4.3 User's Guide


Configuring A Source System

You need an optimally configured system, both for testing purposes and as the source for the SYSCFG and RAC configuration files, to be used in the deployment process. For instructions on using the sample DTK scripts, SYSCAP.BAT or syscap.sh and RACCAP.BAT or raccap.sh, to generate SYSCFG and RAC configuration files that are used to configure the target system, see Using DTK Sample Scripts To Capture Configuration Information .

You can use the SBUU and Systems Service and Diagnostics Tools available on the Dell Systems Management Tools and Documentation DVD supplied with your system to:
  • Streamline the operating system installation.
  • Setup and configure your system, including automatic discovery and configuration of Dell-provided RAID controllers and network adapters.
  • Access and load the latest utilities, drivers, and diagnostics for your system.
  • Install Dell OpenManage systems management software.
  • NOTE: You can also download the latest drivers from support.dell.com.

For complete information about using the Systems Build and Update Utility and the Dell Systems Service and Diagnostics Tools , see the Dell Systems Build and Update Utility User’s Guide and the Dell Systems Service and Diagnostics Tools Quick Installation Guide , available at dell.com/openmanagemanuals and on the Dell Systems Management Tools and Documentation DVD.

After you have installed the operating system and all applicable device drivers from the Systems Build and Update Utility and Systems Service and Diagnostics Tools, check support.dell.com for the latest drivers. Install all necessary drivers to be used in the deployment in the system directory for the target system. For example, if your target system is a PowerEdge R720, copy all necessary files in the \Toolkit\Systems\peR720 directory (Windows) or /opt/dell/toolkit/systems/pe R720 directory (Linux).

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