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Dell OpenManage Deployment Toolkit Version 4.3 User's Guide


Other Supporting Documents You May Need

Besides the Dell-provided documentation, there are numerous other resources to aid you in planning and executing a DTK-assisted deployment.
  • Operating system documentation to prepare for and execute the unattended installation process. In addition, you should consult the available web-based resources such as:
    • The Microsoft Tech Net database at microsoft.com/technet
    • The Red Hat Enterprise Linux support pages at redhat.com
    • The SUSE Linux Enterprise Server support pages at novell.com
  • Windows PE 3.0, Windows PE 4.0, Windows Automated Installation Kit (Windows AIK), Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK), and Windows Deployment Services (WDS) documentation.
  • Imaging software documentation, if you are creating a bootable media or are planning to deploy from an image (deploying from an image is not covered in this guide).

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