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Dell OpenManage Deployment Toolkit Version 4.3 User's Guide


Sample Scripts For Systems Running Linux

The following table lists Linux sample scripts necessary to perform a scripted deployment.
  • NOTE: All DTK scripts are provided as examples only. The batch scripts and configuration files must be modified to reflect the unique information for each deployed system.
Table 1. Sample Scripts For Systems Running Linux

Toolkit Components



Handles errors returned in DTK scripts.


Performs an unattended installation of a supported Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server operating system.


Creates and populates the Dell utility partition and creates the deployment partition on a specified hard drive. Before doing so, however, this script cleans out all existing partitions in your system.


Captures RAC settings to a file.


Applies (replicates) the RAC settings saved in a file to the target system.


Configures all RAID controllers detected in a system.


Performs an unattended installation of a supported SUSE Linux Enterprise Server operating system.


Captures BIOS and BMC configuration settings and saves them to a file.


Used by upinit.shto patch the boot sector.


Applies (replicates) BIOS and BMC configuration settings and configures the target system.


Sets the path of DTK installation and variables for the specific system being deployed.


Creates and populates the Dell utility partition.

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