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Dell OpenManage Deployment Toolkit Version 4.3 User's Guide


Creating A Bootable Media For Windows PE 3.0

To create a bootable media:

  1. Click Start and navigate to All Programs > Microsoft Windows AIK .
  2. Click Windows PE Tools Command Prompt to open a command prompt window.
  3. Navigate to C:\program files\Windows AIK\Tools\x32 or C:\program files\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64 directory on the system.
  4. Run the following command: oscdimg -n -bc:\winpe_30\etfsboot.com c:\winpe_30\ISO c:\winpe_30\WinPE3.0.iso WinPE3.0 iso, a media bootable ISO image is created.
You can use any CD or DVD burning software to burn the image onto a CD or DVD. After burning the ISO image, ensure that it boots from the CD or DVD drive for all the supported Dell systems you plan to deploy. After it boots, you are advised to test all the tools and scripts on these systems to make sure that the integration is successful and that there are no issues with hardware components not being recognized.

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