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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 8 (iDRAC8) Version RACADM Command Line Interface Reference Guide



Description Allows you to perform threshold settings of the sensor.

To run this subcommand, you must have Configure iDRAC privilege.

  • NOTE: An error message is displayed when the following is performed:
    • A set operation is performed on an unsupported FQDD.

    • Out of range settings is entered.

    • Invalid sensor FQDD is entered.

    • Invalid threshold level filter is entered.

racadm sensorsettings set <FQDD> -level Min <value>
  • <FQDD> — Sensor or corresponding sensor FQDD which needs a threshold configuration. Run the command, racadm getsensorinfo to view the sensor FQDD. The R/W field in the output getsensorinfo indicates if the sensor thresholds can be configured. Replace the <FQDD> field with the corresponding sensor FQDD that needs a threshold configuration.
  • -level — threshold level for the sensor setting. Values are Max or Min.
Examples To set the minimum noncritical threshold level for a power sensor type.
racadm sensorsettings set iDRAC.Embedded.1#SystemBoardCPUUsage -level Max 95
  • NOTE: The entered value must be lesser or higher than the sensor critical threshold limit.

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