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Server Administrator Version 7.4 Messages Reference Guide


Memory ECC Events

The memory ECC event messages monitor the memory modules in a system. These messages monitor the ECC memory correction rate and the type of memory events that occurred.

Table 1. Memory ECC Events
Event Message Severity Cause
ECC error correction detected on Bank # DIMM [A/B]. Information This event is generated when there is a memory error correction on a particular Dual Inline Memory Module (DIMM).
ECC uncorrectable error detected on Bank # [DIMM]. Critical This event is generated when the chipset is unable to correct the memory errors. Usually, a bank number is provided and DIMM may or may not be identifiable, depending on the error.
Correctable memory error logging disabled. Critical This event is generated when the chipset in the ECC error correction rate exceeds a predefined limit.
Persistent correctable memory errors detected on a memory device at location(s) <DIMM number>. Warning This event is generated when there is a memory error correction on a particular Dual Inline Memory Module (DIMM).
Multi-bit memory errors detected on a memory device at location(s) <location>. Critical This event is generated when the chipset is unable to correct the memory errors. Usually, more than on DIMM is listed because a single DIMM may or may not be identifiable, depending on the error.
Correctable memory error logging disabled for a memory device at location <location>. Critical This event is generated when the chipset in the ECC error correction rate exceeds a predefined limit.

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