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Server Administrator Version 7.4 Messages Reference Guide


POST Code Table

The following table lists the POST Code errors that are generated when a fatal error occurs during system boot.

Table 1. POST Code Table
Fatal Error Code Description Cause
80 No memory detected. This error code implies that no memory is installed.
81 Memory detected but is not configurable. This error code indicates memory configuration error that could be a result of bad memory, mismatched memory or bad socket.
82 Memory configured but not usable. This error code indicates memory sub-system failure.
83 System BIOS shadow failure. This error code indicates system BIOS shadow failure.
84 CMOS failure. This error code indicates that CMOS RAM is not working.
85 DMA controller failure. This error code indicates DMA controller failure.
86 Interrupt controller failure. This error code indicates interrupt controller failure.
87 Timer refresh failure. This error code indicates timer refresh failure.
88 Programmable interval timer error. This error code indicates a programmable interval timer error.
89 Parity error. This error code indicates a parity error.
8A SIO failure. This error code indicates SIO failure.
8B Keyboard controller failure. This error code indicates keyboard controller failure.
8C SMI initialization failure. This error code indicates SMI initialization failure.
C0 Shutdown test failure. This error code indicates a shutdown test failure.
C1 POST Memory test failure. This error code indicates bad memory detection.
C2 RAC configuration failure. Check screen for the actual error message.
C3 CPU configuration failure. Check screen for the actual error message.
C4 Incorrect memory configuration. Memory population order not correct.
FE General failure after video. Check screen for the actual error message.

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