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Dell OpenManage SNMP Reference Guide Version 8.1


Local Response Agent Variable Values

This section includes definitions for server administrator-specific variable values used in this section.
Table 1. LRA Capabilities Definitions
Variable Name: DellLocalResponseAgentCapabilitiesUnique
Data Type: Integer
Possible Data Values Meaning of Data Value
speakerControlCapable(1) The LRA can issue a speaker beep.
consoleAlertCapable(2) The LRA can alert the console.
broadcastMessageCapable(4) The LRA can broadcast a message.
osShutDownCapable(8) The LRA can shut down the operating system.
rebootCapable(16) The LRA can reboot the system.
powerCycleCapable(32) The LRA is capable of a system power cycle.
powerOFFCapable(64) The LRA can shut the system power off.
executeApplicationCapable(256) The LRA can execute a user mode application.
lraFullyCapable(383) The LRA has all of the preceding capabilities.
Table 2. LRA Thermal Shutdown Capabilities Unique
Variable Name: DellLRAThermalShutdownCapabilitiesUnique
Data Type: Integer
Possible Data Values Meaning of Data Value
none(0) The LRA has no thermal shutdown capabilities.
Unknown capabilities(1) The LRA’s thermal shutdown capabilities are unknown.
enableCapable(2) The LRA can be disabled (offline, a binary 0 value) or enabled (online, a binary 1 value).
warningCapable(4) The LRA can carry out chassis-determined action(s) when a warning condition is detected.
enableOnWarningCapable(6) The LRA enables activation of chassisdetermined action(s) when a warning condition is detected.
failureCapable(8) The LRA can carry out chassis-determined action(s) when a failure condition is detected.
enableOnFailureCapable(10) The LRA enables activation of chassisdetermined action(s) when a failure condition is detected.
enableOnWarningOrFailure Capable(14) The LRA enables activation of chassisdetermined action(s) when either a failure or a warning condition is detected.
Table 3. Local Response Agent Settings Unique
Variable Name: DellLocalResponseAgentSettingsUnique
Data Type: Integer
Possible Data Values Meaning of Data Value
speakerControl(1) LRA is set to issue a speaker beep.
consoleAlert(2) LRA is set to issue a console alert.
broadcastMessage(4) LRA is set to issue a broadcast message.
osShutDown(8) LRA is set to issue an operating system shutdown.
reboot(16) LRA is set to issue a system reboot.
powerCycle(32) LRA is set to issue a system power cycle.
powerOFF(64) LRA is set to issue a system power off.
executeApplication(256) LRA is set to start a user mode application.
allLRASettingsUnique(383) LRA is set to all LRA settings combinations.

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