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Dell Migrate User's Guide

Mapping the drives

About this task

When multiple partitions of a local drive are detected on the new PC, Migrate prompts you to choose the drive mapping while selecting the type of migration such as Move everything for me or Let me choose what to move. You can customize the drive mapping between the two PCs. For example, if you want to move the contents of the local drive D:/ on the old PC to the local drive E:/ on the new PC, you can do that by mapping the drives.


  1. Perform one of the following steps:
    • Click Move everything for me and click Change.
    • Click Let me choose what to move and click Change.
    Figure 1. Mapping drive on your new PC
    Mapping drive on your new PC
  2. Map the drives between old PC and new PC. For example, the files on the local drive E:/ on the old PC can be mapped to the local drive C:\ or D:\. After selecting the local drive, click Apply.
    Figure 2. Mapping drivers on your new PC
    Mapping the drivers Drive on your new PC
  3. Click Migrate now to begin the data transfer.

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