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Dell Migrate User's Guide

Resolve access denied errors on protected drives


You must have administrator rights.

About this task

Protected drives have some permissions that are revoked from them. For example, read and write permissions from drives are revoked to protect them from unwanted access or modifications. Trying to access such drives results in Access is Denied error . In such cases, Data Assistant does not be able to function optimally. To use Dell Migrate, it is recommended that you restore permissions to all relevant drives.


  1. Right click on the drive (for example, F) and click Properties.
  2. Click the Security tab, and click Advanced.
    The Advanced Security Settings windows is displayed.
  3. Click Change beside Owner.
    The Select User or Group dialog box is displayed.
  4. In Wnter the object name to select, enter Authenticated Users, and click Check Names.
    The name is underlined to indicate that it is valid.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Select Replace owner on subcontainers and objects, and click Apply.
    A Windows Security dialog box is displayed.
  7. Click Yes and click OK.
  8. Click OK to close Advanced Security Settings, and click OK to close the drive properties.


The permissions are restored. Refresh the explorer window and you can access the drive.

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