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Dell Migrate User's Guide

Troubleshooting when network is disconnected on new PC before pairing

About this task

If both the old and new PCs are not connected to the same network, the following message is displayed:

This PC isn't connected to a network.
Figure 1. Your PC is not connected to the network
Your PC is not connected to the network


  1. Click the WiFi icon to check if your PC has any network available. Connect your PCs to a network that you recognize and trust. Ensure that you do not use an open or unsecured network such as airports or coffee shops. Use 5G or 5 GHz versions of networks when available for better speeds. For example, use FancyNancy-5G rather than FancyNancy.
    Figure 2. Checking WiFi settings
    Checking WiFi settings
  2. Connect both the old and the new PCs to the same network.

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