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Dell Migrate User's Guide

Program Compatibility Assistant

The Windows Program Compatibility Assistant (PCA) runs in the background and monitors the user-initiated programs for known compatibility issues at the run time. PCA detects the known compatibility issues, notifies the user if there are any, and offer solutions that address the issue and apply solutions before the user runs the program again.

The PCA starts monitoring when the Data Assistant is launched. The Data Assistant launches many other processes internally and tracks them to ensure that they are closed when the Dell Data Assistant is closed. But, on Windows 7 PCs, PCA assumes that the program is not closed properly and a dialog box is displayed.

When PCA errors occur, Windows 7 provides the following two options:

  • Reinstall using recommended settings—changes the compatibility settings of the program. But since Data Assistant is a one-click application and does not install any file on the system, nothing happens when reinstall option is clicked.
  • This program installed correctly—informs PCA that the program is installed correctly even if there was not an installation. In this case, the compatibility message is not displayed again.

The second option is recommended because PCA registers it as having been installed correctly, and it configures the system accordingly. The PCA dialog box does not appear on subsequent Data Assistant launches.

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