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Dell Migrate User's Guide

Reset Windows 10 using the Keep my files option


  1. Click Keep my files.
    Figure 1. Windows reset options
    Windows reset options
  2. Review the list of applications that will be removed from the system after the reset is complete, and click Next.
    Figure 2. Reset your PC using Keep my files option
    reset your PC using Keep my files option
  3. After confirmation, the PC scans for the applications and a message is displayed stating that it is ready for reset. Click Reset to proceed further. The PC reboots and starts the reset process. After the PC is rebooted, the PC resets, and a status bar is displayed with information about the time remaining for the completion of the Windows reset process.
    Figure 3. Ready to reset your PC using the Keep my files option
    Ready to reset your PC using Keep my files option

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