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  • Effettua gli ordini in modo rapido e semplice
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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 8 (iDRAC8) Version User's Guide

Configuring Web Browsers to Use Virtual Console

To use Virtual Console on your management station:
  1. Make sure that a supported version of the browser (Internet Explorer (Windows), or Mozilla Firefox (Windows or Linux), Google Chrome, Safari) is installed.

    For more information about the supported browser versions, see the Readme available at

  2. To use Internet Explorer, set IE to Run As Administrator.
  3. Configure the Web browser to use ActiveX or Java plug-in.

    ActiveX viewer is supported only with Internet Explorer. A Java viewer is supported on any browser.

  4. Import the root certificates on the managed system to avoid the pop-ups that prompt you to verify the certificates.
  5. Install the compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3-61 related package.
    • NOTE: On Windows, the "compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3-61" related package may be included in the .NET framework package or the operating system package.
  6. If you are using MAC operating system, select the Enable access for assistive devices option in the Universal Access window. For more information, see the MAC operating system documentation.

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