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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 8 (iDRAC8) Version User's Guide

Deleting Virtual Disks

Deleting a virtual disk destroys all information including file systems and volumes residing on the virtual disk and removes the virtual disk from the controller’s configuration. When deleting virtual disks, all assigned global hot spares may be automatically unassigned when the last virtual disk associated with the controller is deleted. When deleting the last virtual disk of a disk group, all assigned dedicated hot spares automatically become global hot spares.

You must have the Login and Server Control privilege to perform delete virtual disks.

When this operation is allowed, you can delete a boot virtual drive. It is done from sideband and the independent of the operating system. Hence, a warning message appears before you delete the virtual drive.

If you delete a virtual disk and immediately create a new virtual disk with all the same characteristics as the one that was deleted, the controller recognizes the data as if the first virtual disk were never deleted. In this situation, if you do not want the old data after recreating a new virtual disk, re-initialize the virtual disk.

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