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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 8 (iDRAC8) Version User's Guide

Monitoring Storage Device Using Web Interface

To view the storage device information using Web interface:
  • Go to Overview > Storage > Summary to view the summary of the storage components and the recently logged events. This page is automatically refreshed every 30 seconds.
  • Go to Overview > Storage > Topology to view the hierarchical physical containment view of the key storage components.
  • Go to Overview > Storage > Physical Disks > Properties to view physical disk information. The Physical Disks Properties page is displayed.
  • Go to Overview > Storage > Virtual Disks > Properties to view virtual disks information. The Virtual Disks Properties page is displayed.
  • Go to Overview > Storage > Controllers > Properties to view the RAID controller information. The Controllers Properties page is displayed.
  • Go to Overview > Storage > Enclosures > Properties to view the enclosure information. The Enclosures Properties page is displayed.

You can also use filters to view specific device information.

For more information on the displayed properties and to use the filter options, see iDRAC Online Help.

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