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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 8 (iDRAC8) Version User's Guide

VMCLI Operating System Shell Options

VMCLI uses shell options to enable the following operating system features:
  • stderr/stdout redirection — Redirects any printed utility output to a file.

    For example, using the greater-than character (>) followed by a filename overwrites the specified file with the printed output of the VMCLI utility.

    • NOTE: The VMCLI utility does not read from standard input (stdin). Hence, stdin redirection is not required.
  • Background execution — By default, the VMCLI utility runs in the foreground. Use the operating system's command shell features for the utility to run in the background.

    For example, under a Linux operating system, the ampersand character (&) following the command causes the program to be spawned as a new background process. This technique is useful in script programs, as it allows the script to proceed after a new process is started for the VMCLI command (otherwise, the script blocks until the VMCLI program is terminated).

    When multiple VMCLI sessions are started, use the operating system-specific facilities for listing and terminating processes.

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