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OpenManage Enterprise 4.0.x User's Guide

Configure an NFS network share on a Linux server

Configure a network share on a Linux server with a Network File System (NFS) for offline software update and backing up OpenManage Enterprise appliances.


  • Ensure you are a Linux user with administrator privileges.
  • Ensure that an NFS package is not already installed by running rpm -qa nfs on the server terminals. If NFS is not installed, use the below command to install it.
    yum install nfs-utils libnfsidmap -y
  • For offline update bundles: Create the directory structure and download the update bundles.


  1. Enable the NFS service by running:
    systemctl enable rpcbind
    systemctl enable nfs-server
  2. Start the NFS service by running:
    1. systemctl start rpcbind to convert the RPC program numbers into universal addresses.
    2. systemctl start nfs-server to enable the clients to access NFS shares.
    3. systemctl start rpc-statd to recover locked files when the server fails and reboots.
    4. systemctl start nfs-idmapd to map user and group IDs to names.
  3. Create a directory under the root partition by running:
    mkdir /NFSSHARE
  4. Allow the client to read and write data in the directory that you created by running:
    chmod 777 /NFSSHARE


The NFS share is ready for input or output.


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